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I don't think we know how long the Mackris phone calls were, but I bet it's a fuckton more money per minute than that.

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Wait, Bill O'Reilly is <i>Donald Trump's Hairpiece?!</i>

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Falafelest common tater I never watch

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<i>But he was strong. He was invincible.</i>


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My God! How big must his penis be?

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Nice to see that BillO is just as humble as I expected him to be.

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Sez the guy who has to dial a 1-800 number just to reach "ignorant'.

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The idea that Bill-O could smack around Stewart is hilarious- even Bill can't actually believe that bit of BS

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Get your ass kicked, shout incoherently to drown out your opponent, then declare victory- it's the Faux News way

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<i>And he is definitely going to get that 25,000-man mercenary anti-terrorist army any day now, too.</i>

He'd better hurry: Chuckles C. Johnson is launching a GoFundStarter or KickMe or whatever those things are called to raise a private army of his own to go over there and kick ISIS ass.

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I hate Bill O'Reilly. That is all.

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