He seems nice.

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Birkenstocks, noncaffeinated fair trade soy latte, and a copy of any Indigo Girls or Melissa Etheridge record on your iPod.

Clothing optional.

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No, he makes his living projecting and whining about how the black man is keeping him down. Totally different.

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He doesn't even read his own books, much less someone else's.

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Freedom is just another word for <strike>nothing left to lose</strike> Bill getting his way, but those freedom loving hippies can fuck off.

Well, at least with the people who were teens or college age in the late 60s now hitting retirement age, anyone of them who tries to use the "Things were better when I was a kid" argument is gonna get relentlessly mocked for being ignorant dickwads.

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Bill is right about one thing: when the man who had power was Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger, the man who had power was bad.

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All the wins.

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You seem to be in a great deal of pain, Bill. I'll pray for you.

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I am not about to get any fingers anywhere near Bill O'Reilly's bulbous face to confirm anything, even if it's a virtual finger cursor for clicking... but are we sure that the whole premise behind O'Reilly's Spring Break Riot Rant wasn't just to be able to run some b-roll of bikini girls while he waves his angry rage-unit in the air?

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Wait ... I thought that was the "War on Christmas" uniform .. wtf?

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Bill O'Reilly is apparently unaware that most hippie boomers have become like Bill O'Reilly.

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I don't think he gets it, but he did finally say it.

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I'd assumed the Tea Partiers had all been young Nixon supporters.

Jesus, somebody had to be buying all those Carpenters albums.

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