Not locally. Yet.

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+100 for my fave S&G song.

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So... not only was BillO not present at all those important events, he isn't even present at his JOB?

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Sorry to hear that. That's not Easy...

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reminded me of Albert Finney in The Dresser, shouting "STOP... THAT... TRAIN!" and the train actually stops. billo is no "sir".

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I get my porn elsewhere. Wonkette just isn't hardcore enough.

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Umm. Bill O, so this isn't your official Facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/bi...

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"M-F-er I want more iced tea!" --Bill O'Reilly

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YOu are allowed to use "Perfect" and "Florida" in the same sentence?

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Oh, sometimes they come thru. The Arkansas Gazette did a good job on Justin Harris and his "re-gifting" of children.

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He literally said that he doesn't like the internet because Fox news is not the "entirety of it". He's a "blankin'" authoritarian.

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Spot on. Peasant arrogance - those grasping, needy, never-happy-with-their-meagre-lot ingrates - can be so trying for the Giants Among Us such as Mr. O'Reilly.

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And shouting at clouds.


And by-the-way, I'm 69.

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Bill-O Really doesn't know what FB is b/c most people that use it don't watch FauxNoise. He's lost that demographic a long time ago. He's irrelevant to the 18-33 yr olds, so he must make fun of it. I'm loving his angst...:)

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'Bernie Goldberg, who, while still being an idiot, is able to explain that Facebook, used correctly, can be like a β€œmodern-day newsstand,” where β€œyou can get reliable, solid news, you can get unreliable, vile news also.”'

But don't take my word for it. Here's Henry Winkler to tell us more!

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I think he knows exactly what Facebook is, what it does and what it can be used for.This line:"O’Reilly: I thought Facebook was this thing where you just talk to your friends and stuff! How do you get NEWS on it?"Is probably the oldest lead-in for a newscast explanation of something in the book.

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