Yes, Barry's weakness here, as usual, is his coziness with the big money boys of Wall Street, not his casual phrasing.

Same goes for "Hillary."

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Meh, I think you are misunderestimating how deluded Carly is about her chances, her appeal, her competency, etc...

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What disturbs me is the widespread support for the TPP in the GOP. I've heard the good stuff--enforceable standards for protecting workers and the planet; putting a small check rein China---but the GOP cheerleading makes me think it will be good for multinationals (and libertarian billionaires) and bad for American workers.

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In related news, Senator Warren just announced support for Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold's campaign in this FB post. Woah, check out her disrespectful tone. BOTH SIDES DO IT! Let's all freak out, blaaaaaaa!

Or, alternately, people that are friendly call each other by their first names. Even when they don't necessarily agree on everything all of the time.

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Hillary Clinton is standing over in the corner like a frightened child as her parents fight, grasping her teddy bear and silently sobbing.

It really amazes me how Democrats find a new and improved way to lose. Whether you like Obama or not, and some liberals are so goddamn of their goddamn mind that they don't, he remains the most popular politician in America who's either elected or actively seeking elective office. Attacking him is just plain stupid.

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"When you're derp enough to rant the very best…."

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As the world's leading authority on Alan Greenspan's night sweats and on how not to do a live interview it's surprising she isn't asked about everything.

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Republicans have been dreaming of being able to call Obama sexist for the last 6 years. It plays well with all their other racist dog whistles.

Unfortunately their pent up wet dream is causing them to overreach to the point that their own moronic base doesn't even buy it. Manufactured controversies really don't matter anymore anyways with less than 2 years left in his term.

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At least Billo is consistent. Consistently whiny but consistent.

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"Personally, I wouldn't have called Obama a sexist for this: I suppose it's possible that sexism could have a role in his dismissive tone towards our favorite Senator, but I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt "

Gosh, you sure are a forgiving person. Easily led by suggestion much? Nothing sexist about it. Not even worth going there discussing the possibility...lol.

Discussing the idiot Democrat who suggested that on the other hand. Well there is certainly room for debate on how much of an idiot that person is for saying that.

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Bill just wants us to focus on Obama's etiquette, rather than traditional issues like pay equity and birth control. He's such a typical third-wave feminist, that Bill O'Reilly.

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If he keeps losing teeth at the current rate, definitely. No one wants to run an interview with someone who sounds like Gabby Hayes.

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The fact that Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and the Chamber of Commerce are for it, while all but the most right-wing of Democrats are opposed, tells you everything you need to know about the TPP.

It's a shit deal designed to make the richest few even richer.~

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Now, Billy... go downstairs and play with your porn and personal assistant.

The grown ups are talking.

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"Hey, sugar tits!"

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"Free trade" has pretty much always meant "find some new group to exploit, quick," hasn't it? There needs to be a much more transparent discussion of the TPP than which politician supports it, in my opinion.

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