Sex-ed at 8? Seems a bit early, but better than too late.

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Americas best christian indeed.

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Maybe the wimminfolks just don`t appreciate his ability to drag them by the neck down the stairs.

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The Second Law of Derpodynamics: the amount of derp in a closed system always tends to greater derp.

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^^^THIS^^^. Any man who has known and/or loved a woman who has had to go through this knows that the GOOPers' attitude is pure, undiluted Flintwater. Our best to your friend. That must be heart-rending.

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We lady folk are strange that way.

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they showed us an STD film in high school about a bunch of guys who went with some "fast" girls from another town and one of they guys got a sore..."down there". when the doctor and the kid's parents asked the girl's full name....it was the same as my mom's.

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I thought what happened in Kansas is they keep electing a fucking idiot to the governor's mansion and a whole bunch of other fucking idiots to the legislature, and now they're facing education cuts, high unemployment, and absolutely NO trickling down to the working poor.

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Women have an absolute right not to be made or kept pregnant against their will. Anything less is slavery. Blacks and Latinos have a right to vote. Gays have a right to marry. Sperm have no rights.

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Women pay taxes. sperm don't.

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good, now I don't need to be worried about all that fapping...asking for a friend!

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dammit! I missed a deleted commenter!

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Hah! 'Leadership' you say? First thing Adam does as 'lord and master of the universe' is throw Eve under the bus to weasel out of responsibility for his own decisions. That, my friends, is the original sin.

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That's the whole point. Slaves are people who have been dehumanized. 'Mortal enemies' are people who have been dehumanized.

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Where do you stand on rubbing intimate body parts on flags?

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Education does that to people....

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