<i>everyone will associate &ldquo;stupid&rdquo; with Republicans and Bobby Jindal&rsquo;s face.</i>
Makes more sense this way, I think. Perhaps Jindal, despite the exorcism weirdness, has enough of a grip on reality to regret being associated with the GOP? I&#039;m imagining what happens if a good number of the far-sane wing of the GOP start declaring their &quot;independent&quot; status, just to be free of the teabagger taint.
Such valiant efforts too, by the way. Oh and of course, not at all related, in any way: Everyone everywhere totally thinks &quot;stupid&quot; and &quot;Ted Nugent&quot; are complete opposites, COMPLETELY.
You forgot the quotation marks around &quot;fact&quot;.
Alt-text for that second image: &quot;Don&#039;t bother me with the facts!&quot;
Why is everybody dumping on my guys, all of a sudden? They&#039;re just doing their jobs (and glad to have them.)
As long as it&#039;s a &quot;well-regulated&quot; suck, then it sure is perfectly Constitutionally legitimate.
The next generation of drones will be able to drop water on the terrists.
It he finds that inexplicable, I&#039;ll bet the tides really mystify him. Wait ... what?
<i>everyone will associate &ldquo;stupid&rdquo; with Republicans and Bobby Jindal&rsquo;s face.</i>
Makes more sense this way, I think. Perhaps Jindal, despite the exorcism weirdness, has enough of a grip on reality to regret being associated with the GOP? I&#039;m imagining what happens if a good number of the far-sane wing of the GOP start declaring their &quot;independent&quot; status, just to be free of the teabagger taint.
Doesn&#039;t that show that they are actually kind of sane and logical, in choosing the most efficient tools mankind ever designed for killing?
<a href="http:\/\/teddeadorinjail.com\/" target="_blank">Not yet.</a>
When will Faux hire Oily Taint as their legal expert? The thought of her and Eh-blow in conversation just buggers the imagination.
Obama has been fairly successful. FULL STOP.
Despite all your efforts, no less, Bill!
Such valiant efforts too, by the way. Oh and of course, not at all related, in any way: Everyone everywhere totally thinks &quot;stupid&quot; and &quot;Ted Nugent&quot; are complete opposites, COMPLETELY.
I am so glad my doctor switched my prescription from Kneejerk Fingerpointitol&reg; to Intellectual Freefallitase&trade;
One of my best jobs, and people hate it ... that&#039;s just what I&#039;m talking about.
In the future, children will marvel at the sheer number of these weirdly misshapen extinct monsters on display in the Museum of Natural History.
LOOK MOMMY! A TEABAGGOSAURUS! You can tell by its wild eyes and the things up there on its tricorner head!