HAHAHAHAHAHA. thank you.

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"You could put on monkeys jumping up and down and get bigger numbers than MSNBC." - Bill O'Reilly.I guess that explains Fox News.

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Bill is telling the absolute truth.

It just so happens that I was in the process of writing my new book (Killing O'Reilly) and even though my friends and family will tell you I was at home, I was really at Bill O’Reilly’s house when this alleged incident took place.

I had my index finger all poised and ready to push the doorbell button thingy when I definitely did NOT hear Bill O’Reilly drag his lying wife down the stars by the neck in front of his lying daughter. Never happened.

I'm never going to mention this again because: The kids.

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Any chance you heard him saving his wife from falling up the stairs by grabbing her neck?

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"Your honor, all she witnessed was a little foreplay. See, I can't get hard without the sound of a woman weeping. So ... we done here?"

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I believe he is the process of getting the 12 year marriage that produced 2 children annulled.

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You can just her the chimps typing away, generating copy for the Blondes.

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"All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false."

Pre-denying whatever anybody might say? The truth of that statement is self-evident.

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I'll believe it when I see it. :-P

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I applaud your ability to write that without bursting into laughter and/or being struck by lightning.

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Captain Loofah?

It's a turd! It's a pain! It's Loofahman!

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I moved to CA from TX about ten years ago. I don't think of my self as Californian per se, but I definitely don't think of myself as Texan anymore either. And I still sometimes think of people who've been at my company for 7 or 8 years as being "the new guy/gal". :-)

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but but but but but is someone who would marry and sleep with Billiam Oh Reilly fit to raise his spawn?

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Bill was caught up in a flashback...

... The Argie Skyhawk came screaming in over the task force... klaxons blared, machine guns chattered, explosions and flames engulfed a frigate... and yet he kept coming, coming... surely the pilot was crazy, maybe suicidal! He swerved madly, almost dancing between the streams of tracers... but, like a soulless machine of death he was relentless, boring in and only releasing at the last possible moment!

Jesus, that was close! Billo would have been a goner, if he'd been standing a mere 1200 miles to his left! Unfortunately, Nige and a lot of other blokes weren't so lucky.

"I'm sorry, what were we talking about, Honey? What are we doing at the bottom of the stairs?"

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What is wrong with a guy who just wants to choke his chick(en)?

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Instead of a bum which is what both of them is.

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