Among Bill O'Reilly's first media gigs was on a TV show in my area. It was called (I am NOT making this up) "Uncle Ted's Ghoul School." Can't remember what flavor of ghoul O' played, but he sure wasn't Uncle Ted. Methinks this was the apogee of his broadcast career. The rest is a particularly unfortunate demonstration of the Peter Principle.

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LOL! I have a picture of me in traditional Muslim formal attire at a wedding of a friend in Indonesia. I guess I must be Muslim and sympathetic to the extremist terrorists. Funny, when all this time I thought I was an Atheist. Maybe I'm a sleeper agent and I just haven't heard the code words that activate my "Madrasa" programing.

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The Meccian candidate

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Are you kidding me, Obama has led the world in drone strikes. The Republicans strongly supported drone strikes until Obama started using them, then they suddenly have a problem with drone strikes. Obama should try to pass something that the Republicans are all for and then laugh when they criticize him for it and put a stop to it in Congress. The Republicans should just say that we are for anything that Barack Obama is against at the moment and we are against anything Barack Obama is for at the moment..what a joke! It is a shame that Barack was not allowed to do his job. A good president crippled by a Republican congress who opposes him, just to be opposed to him, and criticize him and to stop him from accomplishing anything.

Let us not forget that George W. Bush created this mess. George W. Bush put us in such debt to China. Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave.

After President Clinton we had a budget surplus. President Obama was just left to try and clean up the mess. Everyone knows that it is much easier to create a mess than it is to clean it up.

That is why we had to create a special word for George W. Bush, Neo-Con. He and Dick Cheney just never lived up to Conservative and Republican ideals.

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As a snipped goy I entertain the notion that I'm an honorary member of the Chosen.

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Our Little Bramels

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@anna rampage- It's long been my contention that either the Oregon or Nevada incidents could have been resolved by one low. fast pass by an AH-64 Apache LomgboW wouldn't even have had to unlimber one of its weapons systems, The "militia men" would have soiled themselves,packed up, and gone home.

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Well, that, too N E S T L E S Nestles makes the very best choooooooclate. (bullshit)

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@just_jim- Good question. BlowhardBillowlielly acts like a stupid person believes a smart person acts. I don't believe he's even got smarts enough to know how badly he's embarrassed this time. Of course his geriatric audience will eat this all up

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A mere slip of a girl, with her lil' man...

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Yes it is because He's (or was) a Ginger and Irish. That makes it okay.

Ginger Irish peoples are offended if you don't mock the shit out them and point and laugh. It is part of the culture. It is rude and insensitive to treat them with civility before having a good fuck tussel over ideas and feelings and emotions and maybe politics first.

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Ain't that the truth.

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O'Reilly can go fuck a wafer thin wafer.

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...just make sure the "fire extinguisher" is 50 or 60 yards away

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