"Pastor Fuzz".

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Rob Ford?

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I'm guessing Bill-O would not like this: <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/12\/05\/world\/europe\/amsterdam-has-a-deal-for-alcoholics-work-paid-in-beer.html" target="_blank">Amsterdam Has a Deal for Alcoholics: Work Paid in Beer </a>

Rich, white, and sanctimonious is no way to go through life, Bill . . . even if all your heroes do exactly that.

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Finally, the religious nuts are splitting from the merely (actually) religious, just as the uberconservative nutjobs are splitting from the merely conservative Republicans.

Next up, a RWNJ/teabagger political party, exactly like the ultranationalist loons in France and Greece. They'll garner 20% of the vote, leading to much wringing of hands, but the real losers will be the GOP ... and it's exactly what they deserve. Rove will be "Karl Fucking Rove" to a generation of Republicans, and I hope he hears it for the rest of his days.

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If there really was a God O'Reilly would have been instantly vaporized after that.

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How can you oppose an increase in the minimum wage and in the next breath say that drugs and booze are the cause of poverty?

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they just never tire of their welfare queen bullshit, do they?

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and yet Trey Radel deserves forgiveness and to keep his job

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who exactly is being hurt? I've managed to completely get over the awful trauma of having <a href="http:\/\/www.thomhartmann.com\/forum\/2012\/09\/person-making-50000-dollars-year-pays-10-cents-day-taxes-food-stamps" target="_blank">a few dollars</a> out of my annual taxes going to SNAP every year

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Don’t worry Bill-O, the poors won’t be taking your daily foie gras away from you. God made cat food just for them.

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Why do you think God gave BillO a mouth with two sides?

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yup, all of us taxpayers are being <a href="http:\/\/www.thomhartmann.com\/forum\/2012\/09\/person-making-50000-dollars-year-pays-10-cents-day-taxes-food-stamps" target="_blank">hurt</a> so badly by those moochers and takers, as compared to say, the chunk that comes out for the MIC

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This confirms my atheism because if Jesus was alive and sentient, I think he'd have had to speak up by now, ala Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall.

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