Considering the acceleration in change of popular opinion regarding marriage equality, four years is actually a pretty long time.

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Bill isn't dumb, he's just completely lacking any morals or ethics...

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Something, something, babbies, something, something, polygamy, something, something, beastiality

They really are running out of arguments

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All the finest arguments against gay "marriage" are set forth in the House Judiciary Committee's 1996 <a href="http:\/\/www.gpo.gov\/fdsys\/pkg\/CRPT-104hrpt664\/pdf\/CRPT-104hrpt664.pdf" target="_blank">report </a> on DOMA. It's the one Kagan threw in Clement's face, and it's high-larry-us.

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in light of that noxious rally against gay marriage in paris on sunday, i really don't know how to read this comment.

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so what i'm taking from all this, is that some gay thing is going on somewhere?

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Poor teatards! The threats of gun control taking all your guns, gay marrieds moving in next door, Soviet-like healthcare coming, WE'RE GREECE/CYPRUS!, and no Andrew Breitbart.

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just wear Mitt's magic underwear- they're bulletproof

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I wouldn't get too excited about patting Bill-O on the back for anything quite yet. The guy is a professional huckster, he's simply stuck his finger in the air and realized he can no longer deny the gale force winds blowing in the wrong direction for his current demographic. Like the grifter that he is, he's merely attempting to jump in front of the parade as it goes by- give him enough time and he'll be spewing some nonsense about being the guy leading it and defending gay rights from those intolerant libruls. It's all BS to Bill-O, I doubt he's ever actually believed a word that he said on-air since the day he joined Faux News

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Liquor stores just pick up more business. With a high enough BAC it will all make sense to them. Plus they might see Jeebus.

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Best of all, Rush used O'Reilly's statement about Bible thumping to claim that Fox has "marginalized" Bible thumpers. Conservative Cannibal Nightmare, in a theater near you soon.

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<i>And the other side hasn’t been able to do anything but thump the Bible.</i>

And the King James bible, no less, who was considered to be teh ghey himself.

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