Just stop. Stop. We don't need this. No one wants this. Use your money and your voice to support other candidates and causes.

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Stay hydrated. Low lights, rest with your head elevated a bit, muted sounds, fistfuls of painkillers. And caffeine helps, in whatever delivery vehicle doesn't make you nauseous.And I hope the worst is past by now...

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Jeebus. Can't just one of these rich dudes try being Ironman instead?

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Yup. Senate races would be a great place for him to park tens of millions of dollars. Someone needs to remind him that we're still going to have gridlock unless we can retake ALL of Congress.

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steyer---"i'm not beholden to the establishment..."

ummm, 'scuse me, but uhhhhhh....being a billionaire and all--mothafucka, you OWN the establishment

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Come on, man! Use your money to support the ladies. We don't need another white guy in the race! Even one with nice ideas who puts his money where his mouth is. There are already candidates with great ideas! Help them!!!!! (Yes, if he stays in the race and wins the nomination I will strongly support him in the general)

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YES!!!!!!!! THIS!!!!!!!!!!

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Some people have found relief with botox. I don't know the percentage, but it would be worth looking into and talking to a doctor.

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Why doesn't he just set up a fund like Emily's list to elect Democrats, especially in the Senate? Why do these guys all want to run for President? Must be to give their already inflated egos a boost.

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Now, obviously, corporations don't have hearts or souls or futures. They don't have children. They have a short time frame and they really care about just making money.This isn't true. Corporations almost never die if they are making money. They can literally accumulate wealth to infinity and beyond, and they are treated as if they have the rights of citizens, but with eternal life. This is a grave mistake.

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Maybe the snark, and the logical implications are lost on you. 100 million spent on a campaign instead of empowering citizens is:A. Better for me and my employerB. Money pissed awayC. Both

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Maybe your computer had a glitch, maybe you don't know how to define your terms, maybe you don't know how to read.

Registering voters IS empowering citizens, but something also tells me you're someone white who literally has no idea how many people are disenfranchised.

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No need for the apostrophe, Monsieur Poisson-Globe. It's not necessaire pour le possessive.

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You sure know how to win people over. Well done.

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And soon to be gang-o-Tim-Ryan's.

BTW, if a common Tim Ryan exits the Dem race, is there any noise, does anyone care?

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Because every one of them wants to rule the world. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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