Trailers for sale or rent, rooms to let for 50 cents...

Of course, I won't actually have 50 cents.

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"Why" you ask?? Gosh, I just have to say, I loved the way they portrayed you in Memento! Hope that's not insulting to your condition, but what the hell, you'll forget in about 2 minutes anyway.

You might not have an annotated polaroid, or tattoo reminding you how the Senate rejected Barry's original tax plan outright (which let the cuts expire for the Kochists), and also forgot how Repubs basically held hostage all the expiring stimulus support for the unemployed, in order to extend the cuts for another two years. In fact, you forgot that they were proposing making the cuts permanent. Also, you probably forgot that every Republican's and every news outlet's favorite sparkly political-group-named-after-balls-on-chin-activities acronym actually stood for "Taxed Enough Already."

He didn't continue the policies because they were <i>good.</i>

... Disingenuousness looks good on <i>you</i>, though.

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But "macadamia" just seems so...foreign, like Hawaii. He should refer to them as "freedom nuts".

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Stoopid fucking soshulist publik skool dat edumak8ed mee.

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But the top 1% have more stuff than ever...so we're supposed to feel some trickling down, per Sir Ronnie, right? Like it might LOOK like sweat, or urine but it is definitely prosperity.

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Here's a wild thought: instead of starting a new war, maybe Obama could end one or two of our existing ones?

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The timing of the faked OBL assassination was way off. Way, way off. Almost like it was real instead of contrived.

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But, it's exceptional! Whether or not exceptionally bad is beside the point entirely.

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Needz moar tax cuts fer the rich and 'publican comprimizin'

I mean, it's worked so well for him up 'til now......

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I resent that. I, for one, am totally dedicated to solving this.....

Oh! Look over there! Shiny!!!

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