Enough about the Hammandeggers -- WHAT REPUBLIC-WRECKING BAD WORDS DID KIRSTIE (ALMOST) SAY? America is breathless w/ anticipation. Nobody cares about Commando, except in California, where they hate him for not balancing the budget without taxes.

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Das Größere Deutschland

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Lot's of people have a favorite wife. Usually it's the current one-and-only. If you're Newt Gingrich, it's the next one-and-only. If you're Todd Palin, it's ... well, never mind.

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Ice chips = balanced meal.

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She's talking like Trumpette. Can a White House bid be far behind?

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And she did NOT say "I'll be back."

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What does this mean for Mary Matalin and James Carville?

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...Maria Shriver could always just start dating his "Twin" Danny Devito

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...damn it, I know there is a Sarah Connor joke in here somewhere!

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Kirstie then retired to her dressing room and polished off a can of Cool Whip and half a bag of Doritos.

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Ahnold hasn't exactly kept in tip top shape since his little foray into politics. In fact now he looks like you could hit him with a stick and candy would fall out.

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