Or they just kill the girl, for being an embarrassment to the family. Problem solved . . . probably to Akin's satisfaction.

He's probably find Sharia law to his liking, if he tried it. <i>I do not like Sharia law. I do not like it, not at all.</i> (Green Eggs and Q'ran)

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you may have seen elsewhere that i'm one of those obamacare bots doing my bit for the ACA. she's one of the dems who've been most supportive / helping most / coming to even the smallest events.

AND she's a huge arts supporter.

i have a girl crush.

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Angel Miguel? Wasn't he a shortstop for the Pirates?

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if you don't mind getting outraged, this 'fresh air' segment was pretty shocking. and i'm pretty aware of wingnut shenanigans:

<a href="http:\/\/www.npr.org\/2013\/11\/21\/246534132\/personhood-in-the-womb-a-constitutional-question" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.npr.org/2013/11/21/246534132/personhoo...">http://www.npr.org/2013/11/...

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Buncha Doctors.

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Well, so long as it's free, and it doesn't make life better for women in <i>their</i> states, there might be a few of the teabagging GOPpers who'll go along.

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It's too bad women don't have teeth down there.

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If a Muslim girl is raped, and is at risk of producing a baby Muslimette -- is that a gift from Jeebus? Somebody should check that with Todd Akin.

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Any bets that if Reid DOES bring this up, Boehner will immediate claim it's "unnecessary" and "business-killing"?

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I can't wait to hear what insightful, nuanced analysis our rightwing brethren will offer to explain the position they will take on this/rationale for opposing this. I think it'll probably break down like this: 37%: oppose because religious freedom/birth control (regardless of actual treaty text). 33%: oppose because national soveriegnty is threatened by it/all treaties all the time. 20%: oppose because treaty has no point because laws are already there to protect women. 10%: oppose because international conspiracy to turn girls in boy-hating feminazis. 5%: oppose because why no violence against men act? 5%: all of them, Katie.

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