I, for one, am disturbed at <a href="http:\/\/www.eaglesnestnyc.com\/" target="_blank">how</a> <a href="http:\/\/www.vanderbiltmuseum.org\/home.php\?section=mansion&amp\;sub=eagle" target="_blank">much</a> <a href="http:\/\/www.theaglesnest.com\/" target="_blank">choice</a> that leaves her in my vicinity.

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<i>"I feel like I am in Nazi Germany in the 1930s."</i>

Orly: If you <i>really</i> want to feel like a Russian Jew in Nazi Germany, we could put you in a gas chamber*. Because that's what the real Nazis did. Fuck you for comparing the United States of America with Hitler's Germany. From Wikipedia: "Taitz has also said that she lost relatives in the Holocaust....". You dishonor them. ____________________________ * obligatory "with votes" disambiguation

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Did she get her law degree from an ad in the back of Rolling Stone?

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<a href="http:\/\/images3.wikia.nocookie.net\/__cb20090804082936\/wikiality\/images\/0\/01\/OrlyTaitzOwl.jpg" target="_blank">INTERNETS DID IT</a>

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For citizenship purposes, you're right, it was made retroactive. As to whether that includes natural-born status for Presidential eligibility, that's never been tested, and very likely never will be tested. I'd personally say the fact that Congress has basically said that anyone born 1952-1986 under the tests implemented in 1986 was retroactively a citizen at birth makes them a natural-born* citizen for the Presidential test, but the Supreme Court sometimes hands down decisions that to my untrained opinion are plainly in error.

Turns out it's <em>soooooo</em> nearly moot, if Ann had been just 116 days older when Barack was born, he'd have automatically been a citizen wherever the birth took place (the test from 1952 to 1986 required the US citizen parent to have lived in the US for at least 10 years, 5 of them after that parent's 14th birthday; Ann had lived her entire life to the time of Barack's birth within the US - the family didn't move to Hawaii until after statehood - but she was just short of her 19th birthday)

* there are only two types of citizen - naturalized, and natural-born. Birthers would vigorously dispute this but only because they're idiots, if I really cared I'd dig up the Supreme Court precedent that said more or less exactly what I did, I think it's in <em>Wong Kim Ark</em>

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And this is why I love the Wonkette. Thanks.

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I found Eugene Victor Tooms to be the creepiest "Monster of the Week".

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Leave out the "or."

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Sheesh, she can't even spell derp right.

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She's very white, and about as angelic as Dr. Szoll.

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"Show cause" is a little closer.

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Moldova libel!

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She is good at bringing trumped-up charges.

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She wouldn't be the first dentist to do unnecessary work for the money. She is probably the first to spend the money making a fool of herself in court.

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First she should run a virus scan over it.

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She can't keep her head even when nobody around her is either losing theirs or blaming it on her, but she <em>does</em> trust herself when all men doubt her.

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