Will you please come by my house and tell me I can never be as whitty or funny as you? That statement needs to be on a t-shirt.

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Tom DeLay is on the phone right now with his attorney Dick DeGuerian in Houston telling him how he was so fucked not being from Kenya and what are his appeal options.

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Uncle Onyango was probably quite fortunate this happened in Framingham and not in Cambridge.

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I'm tempted to say more Billy Carter - but in the end he was much more sad than funny.

Posing in the hat made from beer can poptop tabs was pathetic.

Guess I'm must gettin old...

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OUI = Driving While Black WND = Stupid Stupid Stupid

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hey WND: you know those embarrassing family members that make you cringe with the crazy?

that's you.

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Based on the name of his attorney, the gentleman in question is the Wong driver?

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Obama Onyango told cops he wanted to “call the White House” after he was nabbed for OUI Aug. 24 after nearly plowing his SUV into a police cruiser.

Who does he think he is, Jeff Gannon?

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<i>This is “irony” just “literally” peeing on America, everywhere. </i>

Almost as ironical as when Jenna and Not Jenna would get arrested for under-age drunk and disorderly - which was breaking a law their own Governer Daddy had signed.

Kind of like that.

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Pornstar Faye Reagan has some explaining to do.

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