Far too coherent. I suspect a ghostwriter.

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Hey, I run a household too! As President Pixelz, my first official act is to have all incoming mail placed in the basket by the door. Next, only five refrigerator magnets -- let's just make some decisions about what to stick on there. Finally, America will go to Blockbuster onThursday.

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Bristol's "Dear Diary", upon which her memoir is based, apparently had contradictions which need to be resolved. Perhaps the entry "watched teevee with Willow tonight it was fun" was logged onto a date where she later realized she had slipped out to fuck Levi in the flatbed of his truck. This sort of incongruity would put her project on hold don't you think?

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My first act would be to get my husband to do the stuff that I don't want to do.

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It's being converted into comic-book form.

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Relax, the book is still listed at ISBNdb.com. Use the ISBN 0062089374 to search for it.

Somebody there must have a sense of humor, though, as under "similar books" is listed:

<i>Confessions of a Brain-Impaired Writer (Dale Carlson, ; ISBN: 1884158242; Paperback; 1999-10-01; 100% match)</i>

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Skip the book just do the book tour Bristol.

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