Psst, Fox - forget that <a href="http:\/\/slatest.slate.com\/posts\/2012\/04\/11\/fox_news_catches_gawker_mole.html" target="_blank">Joe Muto character</a>; here's your real mole.

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And for the second time in not all that long, I feel compelled to ask:

Can a cancer get cancer?

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That's just a fact.

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Memo to Ole Newt:

When they haul your big white ass out of the office, it's probably not a good long-term career move to pee in the corner before you go.

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Clearly the wrong GIngrich was running. Callista would have gotten more delegates and less bad press. And Newt would make the most fascinating First Lady in history.

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Remind me again, why do I care what Callista thinks? She thought to marry you. Doesn't that result in a disqualification or foul?

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This is eerily familiar. I'm not sure if Fox <i>has</i> cancer or <i>is</i> cancer, but the divorce angle sure fits. I'm assuming while he and Callista-bot are having dinner with CNN, Newt will sneak off for a blowjob from MTV News.

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Disco inferno.

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If Newt had a penny for each of those times, he could afford the $1,000,000 JustPixelz ballot fee. Are you paying attention Mitt?

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The worm has indeed turned.

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Please refrain from using the expression "going down" in a sentence referring to Newt.

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