I wonder if Ayotte's threat to hold the nom will influence Harry's approach to filibuster reform.

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McCain may see himself as a fierce bulldog, but he seems like a crazy and pissed off dachshund.

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Also troubled by: hemorrhoids

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i don't understand. not at all. there's no there there. hell, it's cia that's going to take the fall.

they'd be better off going with fast and furious - which is also pretty threadbare as impeachable offenses go.

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Was it Karl Rove who took him down in Lindsey's home state by asserting that his adopted child was an illegitimate person of color?

Why, yes it was. This is why Karl Rove was considered a <i>political genius.</i> At least until November 6, 2012.

Reminds me of a story: three surgeons are bragging about their skills. The first says, "I reattached a severed arm, and the patient regained all feeling in the hand."

The second says, "I grafted new skin on a 50 percent of a burn victim's body, and now and you can't tell there was any damage at all."

The third surgeon says, "I got you all beat."

"Really?" the others scoff. "How so?"

"I found an asshole, sewed it into a ten-gallon hat, and called it George W Bush."

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Sometimes the death rictus strikes prematurely.

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You don't understand the scandal because you're not putting enough random capitalization into it. Here, let's redo your sentence:

McCain, Graham, and AYOTTE immediately told reporters that THE real scandal here IS that when Rice went ON TV, she SAID A thing that turned out not to be true, simply because the CIA HAD told HER that THING, AND INSTEAD of simply saying “we don’t KNOW,” she said that they THOUGHT maybe IT was one thing, but THEY WERE still LOOKING INTO it. HOW DARE she mislead THE American people like that!

See? The outrage is palpable.

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Only if she also suggests that you could murder 10% of the Dept. of State's employees and not notice they were gone.

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Probability that these same three assholes would be screaming blue bloody murder about the coverup and the administration not giving the public enough information in a big fucking rush, had Susan Rice actually followed their new retroactive advice: 100%.

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There is already. It's called Fox News.

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Only action a girl could get with those two guys is a squirt of santorum.

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If it was multiplied by 50 and moved to Lebanon, you'd have the Beirut barracks bombing. I don't seem to recall Walnuts calling for St. Ronnie to be impeached.

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Look how safe Chimpy's war made WALNUTS! feel in <a href="http:\/\/blogs.smh.com.au\/whitehouse08\/mccain_chopper.jpg" target="_blank">Iraq</a> .

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Dee Snyder libel.

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Because politics is all about the sweet, sweet revenge.

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