Columnist and someone who proudly never gives rimjobs on the first date Larry Elder has a new-ish book to sell to his audience of eager white people looking for a nice facade of acceptability to excuse spewing warmed-over Jesse Helms bullshit in public.
It's kind of a "Sistah Larry moment". Or, really, a career.
<i>Only community and parents and teachers and clergy can fill that hole</i>
Or the ungrateful little bastards should have worked really hard to get born a billionaire.
<i>You need a man to teach you how to be a man</i>
Is this more &quot;gay pope resigning&quot; shit?
He listened to that bitch wife too many times- damn women.
God that was a bad movie. Those bloody race announcers.
Wasn&#039;t this one of Bill Cosby&#039;s rants from a few years ago?
If Adam had been a better father, Cain would&#039;ve turned out OK.
I hope Larry cashes the NRA check quick because this dribble is another NRA puff-piece distraction to the real issues. Mucking foron.
<i>&quot;...bloated anal cyst of a human being Newt Gingrich...</i>
Human being libel!!!
This Elder fella sure loves the passive voice. And his own voice also too.