My father told me a story about how when he was a student at MIT, one of his dorm-mates was a good ol' boy from the South. Said GOB arrived on move-in day, spotted an African-American man, and said to him, "Boy, takes my bags to my room." The guy turned out to be the head of the dorm. He looked at the GOB and said, "Son, here you carry your OWN bags."

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I hear what he's saying, I truly do. But why is he a Republican? How can he read the platform or listen to any of the crap that's spewed forth from their alleged standard bearer and seriously believe himself to be an adherent of the GOP?

How can any self-respecting POC be a Republican? Or a LGBT person? Or a woman, for that matter?

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Your last paragraph is exactly what I was thinking. I asked such a person (poc, woman) once. Answer: "when I'm rich, I want to keep my money". I couldn't wrap my head around that.

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Disqus strikes again! Nope, didn't see the picture.

But point taken!

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that was fabulous. thank you for posting

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There is such a thing as too nice!

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This morning, in the local newsrag, they ran a regular column by Thomas Sowell ( one posted a couple of days ago at "Town Hall" ), titled "The War on Cops" ( apparently, it's a two-parter - there's a "The War on Cops, Part II" up right now - but I refuse to provide links to either piece, because shitbird conservative. )

I didn't really do more than skim it, but I saw him he hitt all the "conservative" talking points, about how Obama is the most racially divisive element in today's America, exceepting for maybe how the mainstream media is...

As much as I viscerally hate Thomas Sowell ( and Michelle Malkin and Phyllis Schlafly and Mona Charen and every other half-assed "conservative columnist" that my local rag chooses to publish three days a week ), I am eagerly awaiting his comments on Sen Scott's speech in the Senate. I'm sure it will be empty-headed praise for the Senator's "bravery", while barely containing the rage Sowell will feel that anyone, let alone an "acknowledged" conservative, would dare say something that is the antithesis of what Sowell has dedicated his craven, tokenist position ( as "thinking black conservative" ), thereby exposing Sowell as being as much a sham as the entire "conservative ideology".

But, hey - unless Tim Scott gets down and kicks Thomas Sowell's ass all over the Senate chamber carpet, we really know that while he may have "talked pretty" today, he is not willing to do anything to back up those words....

Nope - "crickets" is all I expect to hear....

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"Black Lives Matter or GTFO"

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. . . and fuck john roberts with interstate 90 . . . all of interstate 90!

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I'm a white female over 50, which is exactly the same in nearly every way as a Romulan cloaking device.

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Nuance is too subtle for some people.

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Have we heard from Tump? What about his experiences, how he is targeted?

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Cats are psychopaths, any niceness from a cat is all manipulation to get you to feed it. The dog, on the other hand genuinely wants to make you happy...

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I have a colleague who has been stopped several times in Dallas (he is a tall 60ish black man married to a very petite Asian woman and they always drive to work together). The last time was because they own a Prius and the cop did not believe that black men drive Priuses. So add Prius to the list of cars.

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Presuming he gets re-elected this fall, he won't be primaried for another six years....

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