Giraffe legs.

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It's like Inceptions, with added racism


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I'll bet they'd loan him money at high interest against the value of the checks. I mean, it's more American that way.

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Usually a bank will take the check and it takes like 3 days to clear WHILE THEY SEE IF IT IS A GOOD CHECKIf it is not a good check, that is when they go after you and you do not haz monies.Why the fuck this bank skipping the middle part?

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Edit: Also, there is another lesson in this story, besides the obvious one.When getting settlement money from racist pricks, insist on a money order.

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A work colleague and I took a lunch break together, to head to the near by mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. We carpooled in her car, got out and headed into the big anchor store. She had told me about a sale on some merchandise there and was going to show me the area where the sales goods were and then do some shopping of her own.

The second she headed away from me, she was stopped by store security.

She’s black, I’m white. They claimed she fit a profile of a repeat shop lifting offender and actually wanted her ID and other personal information. I stormed up, all in a righteous fury, demanding to know why they were harassing her and we were then invited to leave the premises.

I was so angry, I could hardly see straight, but my colleague was quiet and spoke respectfully to the security guys. As we left the store (they followed us out), she said this happened so often to her that she just decided to go along with it rather than make a scene and make things worse. Which I had done, albeit inadvertently.

This was over 20 years ago, and that colleague ended up being promoted in our company to an executive leadership position. She’s accomplished and brilliant. And, I’d like to believe things are better now for her, when she shops, but I fear that might not be so.

Fucking institutional racism.

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Yes, many people consider the Congressional Progressive Caucus to be a cult. But I LOVE founders Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders.

The idea that these two founding members of the CPC might run together to defeat tRump seems absolutely brilliant. Imagine the groundswell of support among Women and Blacks and Sanders bringing the youth and Hispanics!

Unstoppable! And with Sanders health, Maxine Waters could become not only the first Woman President but a BLACK FEMALE president!

Let's move beyond hope and make this happen!

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No bank is going to advance you 13k on a deposit of checks when you don't have the $$$ in your account, which is what they should have told him, rather than calling Sheriff Bull Connor wannabees to do a beatdown.

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But he had been an account holder for two years. They didn’t allow him to deposit the other two checks. Why?

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I hope he is now.

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He was walking to work.

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On reading my account of what happened, I am still so mad about it and I wasn’t the person to whom it happened.I can only relate my side. Which inadequately represents the incident.

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They'll do the same thing if you walk in with a money order.

And if you walk in with six figures in cash, expect a bit of a beatdown.

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Every single check deposited clears that day, been that way for decades. The banks make up this hold BS so they can get a free loan.

t. was a teller/CSR for Manny Hanny and Chase 1984-86

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I hope you picked out a better bank after all that.

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At our local WalMart, it seems to be more whether the receipt checkers actually saw the items being purchased and paid for, how they are packaged and how the receipt checkers are feeling at that particular minute. Not that I've stood by the door and watched, but the only difference I've noticed is more white people seem to feel entitled to be rude to the checkers, including cussing them out or throwing their receipts at them and walking off before the receipt check can be completed, I might also be missing something. And it's not like we're an island of serenity or anything like that.

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