Theys be some pretty shady and mean like popo in Evansville,Ind.I was there doing what I do for about 2 months and learnt not to wave unless you might just want to have a little meeting of the minds with them.Dont got to worry bout me going back that taser thingy makes me walk all funny and fall down and twitch and it not like the havin sex twitch that feels all good and nice
One of the stormtroopers we read about yesterday?
"What are you doing throwing your hands up at us?"
Cop was just pissed off, because he loves to yell "Hands up!"
The comments at the site are ... interesting (in a good way).
Theys be some pretty shady and mean like popo in Evansville,Ind.I was there doing what I do for about 2 months and learnt not to wave unless you might just want to have a little meeting of the minds with them.Dont got to worry bout me going back that taser thingy makes me walk all funny and fall down and twitch and it not like the havin sex twitch that feels all good and nice
They didn't even CHARGE him, I don't get what the big deal is...
Consider this case. Doesn&#039;t have to be a cop. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
They didn&#039;t even charge him (up) with the Taser.
O&#039;Reilly would fit right in.
Around here, a grown man riding a bike means he had his license suspended.
<i>&quot;...they eventually let him go without charging him.&quot;</i>
With what?!
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a taser is ... um ... um ... help me out here Wayne.
Things like this didn&#039;t happen before Obama injected racism into America.
On the upside, he might get to have a beer with Barry now.