But nobody's talking about that, because the #TRE45ON White House doesn't want anybody to know anything about that.

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I'm intrigued, but I won't ask. I do know there's a LOT of people with jobs like that, people we never see and whose tasks we're never told of and whose opinions are never reported in the NYT.

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Possibly, though he wrote "Douglas County." Bennington is in the rural portion of Douglas County (half the county is urban), and has just over 1,400 people.

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Trump supporters brag about being loyal to their man, no matter what. Shoot someone on 5th Avenue, no problem. Pay off pornstars, they all do that! Dis Republican iconic pols, he's just being honest. Cozy up to dictators, it's about time we quit being suckers for the likes of Germany and the Frenchies. Kill family farms and try to take away affordable health care insurance, that's a goddamned Obama thing!! It's all okay by those deplorable assholes. But, back down on building that fucking wall that's all there will be between us and the brown menace? NOW WAIT JUST A GODDAMNED MINUTE HERE.

Isn't it a bit of a tell that the only thing the monkey brigade will rebel against El Stupido for is a failure to follow through on his racist wall building bullshit?

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Not unlike the Bush economic collapse of 2008 with regard to housing, the hedge fund vultures just can't wait to buy up farm land in foreclosure.

Trickle up economics is skeevy and sleazy.

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Yes he does.

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Just like the criminal neglect of Puerto Rico's and northern California's devastation, this trade debacle will serve to drive property values down and force people off their land so the fat cats can swoop in and buy it all up.

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I passed a car today that had a Trump bumper sticker, a couple of pro-gun ones, one saying Soft Judges make Hardened Criminals, and one that was something that was supposed to be an ISIS hunting license, I think. I usually try to get away from people like that in traffic.

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Yes, it seems like simply an editing mistake to me.

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Agreed . . . we're good. I was just putting up the correct info. I suspect there are no farms in Bennington, that's just the nearest town to him.

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He'll probably do something on TeeVee from the Oval Office.

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Bolduan's head is always listing to starboard. Gotta keep that part in place, I reckon.

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And it's not like y'all can sit on it until prices improve, either.Interesting, the price in my area is around US$8.26 but nobody's complaining. I wonder if our costs are less than yours?

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The problem here, of course, is that all those fine gentlemen "aren't racists", as in they "don't see color" as in, Black people? What Black people? There are Black people?

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It isn't trickling, it's bloody pouring.

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She suggested he do just that.

Imagine trump doing that though. On national television in the Oval Office underscoring that SHE put him there. It’ll kill him.

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