I want to change jobs. I'm an adjunct at a performing arts college in NYC. There are openings all over the place. But I don't want to go most places, including Texas and Alabama and Mississippi. Most definitely not Florida or Kansas. And, really, rounding out the last places on earth I want to start a new life? Georgia.

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Absolutely. Along that same line, I like to note from time to time that three of the four most genocidal nations in the history of the world beat the other one in WWII.

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Alas, this will make it up to the 11th Circuit, where the chief judge just hired a clerk who got fired from one job for saying she hated black people.And he's not the minority on that court.

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Delmarva (D)s are hopping to it, recruiting locals for school & election boards. Haven’t the time or bandwidth ourselves, but contribute to their ‘scholarship’ fund to train worthy candidates.

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Might want to look into Baltimore’s Peabody Prep & Conservatory. Lower cost-of-living, slower cosmopolitan vibe...

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I moved here in 2019 (which means I worked nonstop for six months and then COVID happened, so I'm still feeling pretty lonely, though that is getting somewhat better). There are things I don't love about Atlanta (it's a total car culture and there's very little in the way of a vital arts scene), but the best thing I can say about it is that it's very, very different from the rest of the state. It's also a majority Black city, and this is a major factor in that difference. I hope the political miracle that Stacey Abrams and everyone who worked for the cause can stick, but politics at the state level are nearly as depraved as Texas. I don't exactly feel reassured.

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Un. Fucking. Believable.

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Well this is a better way of teaching the students who attend the school about systemic racism than any book on CRT could. Real world experience first hand!

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The campus flag shown in the video that says "What Does Your "C" Stand For" is the joke that writes itself (confederacy. I was thinking confederacy).

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Funny how that worked. Well played.

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That's why the Republicans have gone all in on the "critical race theory" in schools bullshit. They see the next generation is diverse, accepting, and compassionate and they want to ensure future generations are as bigoted as they are.

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That's the most cogent relevant post I've ever seen.

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She is great. But what about that other girl? Her mother was told she couldn't wear her shirt because "some students had feelings about it." To me, to be offered such a poorly thought out reason, thinking such a poorly-thought out reason is going to be adequate, as if it's a well-known fact among people of the world that whities don't have to give a real reason to 'negroes'-- I would have died of discouragement and rage on behalf of my daughter that day. And been so angry what would I have done? I've been very angry at school principles before but after a while I always understood that vis a vis them I could be a tall rigid unsmiling person with a demand. In fact a black mother told me that. ("Don't smile. Don't smile your way in there or you'll be smiled right out." And that's good advice for all!!! And she'd moved all her children out of an area of poor schools into an area of much better ones somehow. It was only a fluke that I ever met her though.) Anyway, that was a terrible exchange with that derp principal. Nice explanation, buddy!

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I'm sure the next generation is going to be a big surprise to them because they are going to be a lot smarter than what they are expecting. Who knows....maybe it will be the next generation that closes " the big divide" between blacks and whites. It's definitely going to take somebody a lot smarter than the generation this principal comes from lol.

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Come to Maine! Clean air and water, low cost of living. Inexpensive housing. We need more people up here!

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More like, three cheers?

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