This difference is that he "does this stuff for a living."

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"Black women are what, 6 percent of the US population? He’s saying to 94 percent of Americans, ‘I don’t give a damn about you, you are ineligible,’”

LOL whut? Is he saying the entire 94% of the population is more qualified than every single black woman in America?

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I feel like fat Hugh Jackman Wolverine would be cute as heck. Like, what if he retired and just plumped out, grew out that side-beard situation.

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I had to google scurf. Thanks for teaching me a new word! Even if it's kind of nasty, heh.

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You said that so much nicer than what I was thinking.

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This cracked me up!

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It's not about the 'woman' or even the 'black!. They just know damn well that no educated Black woman would ever pit up with their bullshit.

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The bloodthirsty ones, who wear little symbols of the torture suffocation death of their "savior" around their necks. Bloodthirsty.

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We need a black woman on the US Supreme Court, because the Court needs to represent the US-American people.

I'm tired of the rotten myth of "nonpartisan statesmanship" that conservatives offer in defense of their increasingly arrogant, anti-democratic Court. They want a white male – or a handmaid or house-negro reliably loyal to the white patriarchal order – because they assume that white males alone have no bias, because they are the purest, most universal, most neutral of all human beings (unless they're gay). They imagine that white males have no race, no gender, no ethnicity, and no party. So they are suspicious of nonwhite women most of all, who have all the "unstatesmanlike" liabilities that they dread: a skin color; a hormonal imbalance; a tribe or clan; and personal interests, loyalties, and even sympathies. Therefore, nominating anybody to the Supreme Court who is not pre-approved by the nefarious New Federalist Society can only be "prejudiced."

This is all racist, sexist, elitist b*llsh*it, all the way down.

It is humanly impossible for any human being to be free of bias. Moreover, the strong stench of white male bias pervades our criminal justice system. If contemporary Republicans can't smell it, it's because they have never pulled their noses out of each other's arses. The victims of this system can smell it well enough and are perpetually nauseated by it.

Choosing a Supreme Court Justice who had no bias would not correct the problem of white male bias that we already have; it would only dilute it just a little bit. Besides, even if we wanted to, we could never choose a US Supreme Court Justice who was free of bias, and it's stupid to imagine that we can.

Here is what we CAN do: We can choose US Supreme Court Justices who are human beings who are honest about having human differences of opinion, but who also know the law, who have experience in the court system, who respect all known facts, who interpret them reasonably, and who, as a group, accurately represent the diversity of US American political opinion.

Incidentally, fair representation would become easier – and ideological imbalance harder – if the number of Justices were expanded from nine to fifteen. (See Elie Mystal for details.)

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The Robert Gould Shaw memorial in Boston is worth a visit. It does portray a white officer on horseback leading his Black troops to what turned out to be practically everyone's deaths -- Shaw's included - but Augustus St. Gaudens took special pains to portray the Black soldiers as indivduals, each with their own gravitas and dignity.

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Thing is, when a Supreme Court seat goes to a black woman, then each of two million Fox viewers think they were cheated out of that seat. Two million! All victims! The humanity!

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Ok. I get that point. Yes, it would be just.

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Percentage of Total Women in US Population (2019):

Black or African American, 12.9%


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Yes, Ted surely is

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I still can't believe he's still around. Even a lot of Republicans think he's a total ass.

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Or democracy.

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