i bought my dad a bottle of hendricks last year for some random thing and he's actually forgiven me for being progressive.


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mr fuflans and i just rewatched 'blade runner'. though no five year olds were involved, this seems pertinent somehow.

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That sounds like it would be a great holiday. "National Bring Your Flask to Work Day".

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"Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? I have good news and bad news. The good news is I got a raise at work. The bad news is now I'm your supervisor. Well...that's good news for me."

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BB: Reading the decision and the dissent, apparently there was a previous Supreme Court ruling upholding the Federal law that prohibitedthe transportation of women and girls across state lines for immoral purposes.

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It comes as no surprise to this reporter that Mr. Lee failed to get the facts correct.

The decision was 5-4. Mr. Justice Holmes, dissenting [joined by Mr. Justice Brandeis] "The single question in this case is whether Congress has power to prohibit the shipment in interstate or foreign commerce of any product of a cotton mill situated in the United States in which...children under fourteen have been employed or children between fourteen and sixteen have been employed more than eight hours in a day, or more than six days in any week, or between seven in the evening and six in the morning. .. "I should have thought that the most conspicuous decisions of this Court had made it clear that the power to regulate commerce and other constitutional powers could not be cut down or qualified by the fact that it might interfere with the carrying out of the domestic policy of any State…. "The act does not meddle with anything belonging to the States...when they seek to send their products across the state line, they are no longer within their rights...Under the Constitution, such commerce belongs not to the States, but to Congress to regulate." <a href="http:\/\/supreme.justia.com\/us\/247\/251\/case.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://supreme.justia.com/us/247/251/case.html">http://supreme.justia.com/u...

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Ah, the long-pause-and-rapid staccato-mumbling lecture style of those who know they are way out of their knowledge zone.

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Michael Steele drops out of the RNC race and endorses Maria Cino according to TownHall.

NYTimes has it too.

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This is the first time I've heard anyone call Herbert Hoover a Progressive.


What happened to those weak Articles of Confederation that granted most political power to the states? Why did we bother to replace that compact with the United States Constitution?

And if labor and manufacturing are "local activities" - how does he explain General Motors, the Ford Motor Company, movie companies that made movies, distributed movies, and showed those movies in company theatres (is there still a Fox or Paramount Theater is your town?)?

If the states were going to make child labor illegal, why was Federal legislation necessary?

He is also the first person I've heard heard say our American system is "designed to be harsh." Other than that 3/5ths thing about slaves, of course...

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