I AM TALKING ABOUT THE PRIMARY. It has nothing to do with the general election nor with the electoral college. It is an inside the party election that chooses the party nominee. Hillary won.

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South Africa. As far away as he could be.

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for sure.

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The Russians have been hounding Interpol and the Brits to arrest him for years. He actually was briefly detained in Spain due to Russian fuckery. A brave man.

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Sweet little mammals. I'm glad about the calls from Rikers, too.

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They call him "The Pooper" over at all the TLA spy agencies. "Hey, I gotta go brief The Pooper on a few pieces of intel we intercepted over there in Iran, can you please make sure you print out my TPS report? Have it on my desk by the time I get back."

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So this is interesting. Glenn Kirschner outlines three possible reasons Mueller hasn't called on Trump to testify. The third and most likely being that he is a target for indictment. ("Glenn Kirschner is a former federal prosecutor. He recently retired after serving as an U.S. Army JAG for more than six years and an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia for 24 years.")


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There will never be a Trump presidential library because he can't read.

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Eichmann made the trains run on time. He was so punctilious, Mossad had no trouble nabbing him once they found him -- he was a man of predictable habits. As for Smokey, has she ever shown up for BS Delivery on time?

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A good look at Arnold is here. (I recommend that blog's current series on "Traitor Week." Others so far have been Cataline, Judas and Quisling.)

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Yeah, they go to absurd lengths to be fair to him, but they're still "fake news."

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That Buzzfeed article on the alt-right troll who killed his father is very sad, but I feel a lot sorrier for the victim and his widow than I do for the killer. As many commenters on that article pointed out, this guy had everything: health, an apparently good brain, and rich parents who gave him a chance to go to college (which he pissed away), then paid for his food, shelter and internet connection until he turned on him. He's kind of a metastasized case of Entitled White Guy Syndrome.

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A small room off the lobby of Trump Tower with one copy of The Art of The Deal. Admission: $25.00/person.

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70,000 votes in three states would have won us the electoral college.

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Thanks. I'll try.

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