Are people talking about a #generalstrike yet? It's soon time to begin that discussion.

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another republican who is hinky about dogs, this is starting to be a trend

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Maybe a little less rapey is the best we can hope for.

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At present Democrats hold 23 governor seats. Including all of the most populous States 213 House seats, 47 Senate seats and 48% of the voters rejected Trump. The MAGA Party holds very slim majorities everywhere. With those numbers we can cause Trump a lot of heartburn. Time to start some "Good Trouble"

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Enough of the hand wringing and pearl clutching already. Trump regained the WH by a very slim margin. Less than 2% of the popular vote. There is NO mandate! . Those of us Americans who rejected you are still here , Fatso, and we won't be silenced.

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I am pretty confident that Trump's heyday will be short lived. I suspect that Trump will screw thing up royally, that's always been his MO, so expect it. Midterms are historically unfriendly to the sitting President. They could very well be Trump's undoing, Democrats really need to get their shit together and focus on 2026. Control the House and the potential exists for a super majority in the Senate. Take the gloves off, dammit. you can't be polite and decorous with these people. They view that sort of behavior as "weakness". It gets you nowhere. Impeachment and conviction in 2027! Go for the KO!!

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So, Trump traded out a sex pest for Cruella D'ville? That seems on brand.

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keep noem away from the dognapped pets or bondi will be in mourning.

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She was also the friendliest official in the United States to the Church of Scientology, appearing repeatedly at their promotional events in exchange for large campaign donations.

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Most people are not aware that although "White Privilege" definitely existed back when America was great, it did not extend automatically to most Whites, not even White men Non wealthy white men worked at the same shitty jobs as their Black counterparts. Shitty jobs with no benefits. No overtime, no retirement plan, no health insurance, no safety standards. If you got sick or injured at your shitty job,, you got cared for if you were lucky enough to know a charitable doctor who would treat you with a promise to pay later. Of course the doctor knew that "later" would never come but treated people out of the goodness of his heart, because if you did recover, you were unemployed. If the Trump regime is successful at their endeavor to turn back the clock to those glorious days of yesteryear. how long will it take people to realize that the good old days were not all that good. Then what will they do?

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Trump wants to undo all of the social changes made since WWII, and return to the pre-war America. If you are old enough you will recall that nearly everyone separated the time line to "before or after" the WAR. Some the people in the country, the majority, wanted to move forward into a new age, and the others were nostalgic for the time before. For about 50 years, the forward thinkers had the advantage. Why?? Because anyone sane who remembered the time before realized that the changes were for the better. Now what we see is young people falling for the MAGA lie because they never lived in the time before. Those times have been romanticized by people like Donald Trump as being happier wonderful times. They weren't especially for women and non-whites. They wern't even that great for white men

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Any American who lived through the late 30s and early 40s would find it pretty hard to muster any nostalgia up.

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Bondi is a turd sitting atop a cake made entirely of bullshit and horseshit (the cake, btw, is metaphorically the incoming administration and the turd is all-but-literal).

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That is THE ABSOLUTE BEST opening 'graph I've had the honor to read in quite some time 😁😍

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Blonde hair and white skin

But Kamala is DEI!

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Ta, Gary. I don't like to looks shame, but Bondi looks like her fillers are Bond-O. Of course she's worse than Gaetz; she's evil and competent (for some measure of competence).

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She has no "looks" to shame. She's a perfect example of the Red Foxx quip "Beauty's only skin deep but ugly goes clean to the bone" She's an ugly creature inside and it shines through to the outside.

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gottdammit....where's my "we're so fucked" tape loop when i need it 🤨

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NO, we are not. When we fight we win. The fight must continue. Back in the ring for another round, and this time "Go for the KO!"

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have at it...i'm 70yrs old and have had enough o this bullshit...your turn to bang your head against the wall of willful ignorance...the arc of the moral universe is worn the fuck out and is completely out of ideas

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