Service comment:

The key to the long crossword answers in today's puzzle (titled "Vowel Play") is that each of them contains all five vowels (a,e,i,o and u) in succession, but not in order, as in PRAGUEAEOLI for 112 Across (Garlicky sauce in Central Europe?)

You're welcome!

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OT, but here's a little more shame for San Diego: the "college" <a href="http:\/\/media.utsandiego.com\/news\/documents\/2013\/10\/28\/KF_Transcripts__1.pdf" target="_blank">transcript </a>of the leading candidate to replace the unlamented Filner. Kevin Faulconer, once my city council-critter, got an "A" in Advanced Surfing!

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Thanks for this!

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My comments are being auto-deleted?? How rude!

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We may have to try this gold hot pants thing in my library, though being a co-ed campus, we will also need some go-go boys.

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In some scenarios <a href="http:\/\/www.alvarezformayor.com\/" target="_blank">this guy</a> could come out on top.

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Was that Prague E. coli or Prague Ebola? Neither of which I think I'd want ...

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OT, but Rob Ford today went to the hometown football game, even though the league told him not to, and when interviewed by Fox News (who else?) <i>Ford repeated that he is not an alcoholic or a drug addict, adding that he's getting professional help and hitting the gym "for two hours every day."</i>

He was told he was not welcome at the Santa Claus parade, also today.

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Well, they sort of wanted the parade to be about Santa and not be another instalment of the Rob Ford show. They also didn't want children trampled by media following Ford around. That sounds pretty sensible to me. Besides, I wouldn't want that man anywhere near my kids.

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Oh, fuck off. My name, in its common usage, contains the same number of letters, and I've never done worse than a misdemeanor.

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thank you. i have little to no interest in anything to do with the NYT, but i was wondering what the hell that picture was.

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