What about this bus? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Then it will be 90 minute campaign commercials for the Dems.

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Just a thought, he buys the elction and becomes a smart Trump?

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New Hampshire is Iowa with higher hills and a real primary with actual votes.

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Maybe Trump thought he was in New Jersey, where traffic jams do last for days.

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You sure about that? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I think it's where they filmed "Deliverance".

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It fking kills me. I was a poll worker for about 15-20 years in my county and believe it or not, we would have noticed if a minivan-ful of out-of-state voters showed up at our multiple-precinct polling place. Our Republican counterparts were also totally committed to the process except for one old queen bee who thought it was perfectly cromulent to discuss local politics from a Republican POV when voters weren't around. I faced the old bitch down and told her that I'd report her to the County Board of Elections if she didn't shut her piehole. Back in those days, even the Republican co-head of the BOE wouldn't stand for that sort of shit. To accept that busloads of illegal voters were a thing is to accept that your Republican poll workers and DOE officials were in on everything.

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Most of them were Massholes, with some southern Mainers joining in so they could visit the NH State liquor store on their way home. Wonder what the surge in coffee brandy sales was in the 24 hours before the president** showed up compared to the previous week's sales.

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Time for some traffic problems in New Hampshire. Looks like Christie (in spirit) got to be a part of the team after all.

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Didn't Chump refer to NH as a "drug infested den" on a call with Mexico's President?

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No such thing. Things like Trump cannot by their very nature become smarter no matter who they started out being.

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That would never get old.

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I may have to triple my antidepressants or have myself committed to get through these next several months.

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That bus has righteous magical feline power and can do no wrong.If Trump saw it coming, he’d dribble in his Depends.

Germ-and-animal phobias, ya know.

Kitty would just have to say “shake this paw, fresh from the litterbox” and Widdow Donnie Dumpsterfire would run screaming from the wilds of NH.

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nah. no way i'm voting for him.

if he's the nom. no way i'm not working and voting for him.

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