Its harder for the Dems to recruit candidates. A Democratic candidate is expected to be smart, competent, and well-informed. All the GOP has to do is run some white guy holding a gun and spewing insults and racial slurs, and they're guaranteed to get at least 40% of the vote.
Tom has more approval overall. A better chance of being elected Prezaminit anyway. The best the Republicans could offer was Trump, which means Cruz is not even that good.
Nixon had the flop sweat debate style. Cruz has the flop sweat plus booger eating. And he's a Canadian. OK the being a Canadian is probably a plus, but in Texas, maybe not so much.
Like California rep Duncan Hunter said about trump- "he may be an asshole, but he's our asshole", the same applies to Cruz or any other disgusting republican.
In any case, charisma alone doesn't cut it. Dems can have all the charismatic candidates in the world, but Dems also can't get these "excited voters" to get off their asses when it's really needed. This midterm might be an exception, but it certainly will not be a rule.
Nothing like having your team's mascot be an asshole.
An that is letting the Trumpturd off the hook far too easily. He's so much more assholish than just being an asshole.
I think that was a tonsil stone which is only more disgusting and makes me wonder if Cruz has really bad breath
Its harder for the Dems to recruit candidates. A Democratic candidate is expected to be smart, competent, and well-informed. All the GOP has to do is run some white guy holding a gun and spewing insults and racial slurs, and they're guaranteed to get at least 40% of the vote.
Tom has more approval overall. A better chance of being elected Prezaminit anyway. The best the Republicans could offer was Trump, which means Cruz is not even that good.
Nixon had the flop sweat debate style. Cruz has the flop sweat plus booger eating. And he's a Canadian. OK the being a Canadian is probably a plus, but in Texas, maybe not so much.
I know, he should change his name to Tom and enroll in Scientology.
Like California rep Duncan Hunter said about trump- "he may be an asshole, but he's our asshole", the same applies to Cruz or any other disgusting republican.
Good one. Abe hasn't said anything to me either.
How about Joe Kennedy III?
In any case, charisma alone doesn't cut it. Dems can have all the charismatic candidates in the world, but Dems also can't get these "excited voters" to get off their asses when it's really needed. This midterm might be an exception, but it certainly will not be a rule.
And jelly stoners.
Well said!
I, for one, appreciate those willing to Take One For The Team.
Now go read Deathbird Stories by Harlan Ellison, which contains a stellar version of the Prometheus myth. Also, too, other great myths....
Set that bar! Now make sure you don't trip over it....
Shorten that to, Beto is Better! And I believe you've nailed it.
This one and the Nunes race are real biggies as far as enthusiasm goes.Winning would be a huge motivation.
“Cruz still has more name recognition in Texas but that just means more Texans realize he's Ted Cruz.”
He definitely needs to do damage control on this.