Ha ha, not take kids to McDonalds...you might as well not let them have any Disney.

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True story: when Liddy was head of the Red Cross, she happened to be on a plane I was on from Charlotte to DC. She had a young aide with her, and they were seated in the first row of first class (as was I, thanks to zillions of punishment miles on US Airways). As soon as Liddy was comfortably seated, the young aide got up and went back to coach with the other peons so Liddy could have a whole row to herself.

Remember when she ran for president? Neither does anyone else.

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Slightly OT, but how to Bostonians distinguish between painters and people with this condition?

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I hear Canada has lots of oil...

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One of the few items my son took when his grandma died was her McGovern '72 T shirt. He's wearing it today under his suit I hope.

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Compassionate conservatism is now vindictive conservatism.

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<i>there used to be Republicans who tried to expand food stamps and school lunch. </i> And then came Fox News.

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Plus he went to China while they were transshipping surface-to-air missiles from Rooshia to North Vietnam where they could be used to shoot down Panamanian strongman Juan McCain.

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Meh, these farm-state senators were all in favor of government programs that would cause the gummint to buy up a lot of corn and wheat and give it to the Poors. Primaried-out-by-wingnuts RINO Richard Lugar was just the same, a staunch opponent of Big Government except when Big Ag stood to profit from it.

McGovern was the real thing, though, and a good guy.

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Down, boy.

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Ha ha, and Kroc's widow Joan was a total leftie, sold off the pathetic Padres, gave $200M to NPR, financed a hippie peace institute at the University of San Diego.

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Ah, back in the day before the anger virus consumed the Republican party. And when the Democrats had spines.

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If you ever wonder why there's a 100,000-acre Army installation in Junction City, 1500 miles away from either coast, with three or four brigades of infantry and zillions in new facility construction, just remember what they call it in Kansas: Fort Dole.

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As long as they don't stiff him on his paycheck.

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<i>there used to be Republicans who tried to expand food stamps and school lunch.</i>

It wouldn't fly with today's wingnuts since the new rightie is mostly an "OMG Paul Ryan is HAWT" closet-nailed-shut GOPer as well as being a “starving poor people gives me a BONERZ” sociopath…

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Bob Dole calls himself Bob Dole. That's what I call him, too. That's bipartisanship.

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