So, it's OK to disrespect the nations' highest office and call the President any number of insults, but saying that Bob Dole rides in a clown car is off-limits. Got it.

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I lived in Kalamazoo where Checkers were made. They're still pretty common around the city. Speaking of cars.

RIP Tom Magliozzi

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Clown car is so unfair. I really meant like buzzards on a gut wagon or rats from a sinking ship.

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The Roberts campaign is on the hook for the cost of the cryogenic thaw and refreeze . . .

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One of the unique selling propositions of the Checker was that the front and rear bumpers were interchangeable, which was desirable for cab companies; for families, not so much. Here's a neat history of the company: <a href="http://www.thetruthaboutcar..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2010/04/an-illus...">http://www.thetruthaboutcar...

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and a soul. not that he's not close to losing it, shilling for Roberts.

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I'm with you. just fucking call them the clowns and get over it. should be the opening introduction of every debate, stump speech, town hall, etc from now until Jan. 2017. Stop patting them on the head and giving them a cookie hoping they'll be good. Orman will learn eventually that they are just looking for an opening to eviscerate you while you are distracted by your conscience. Although to be fair, most of the Dems still haven't gotten a clue how they operate.

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He seems to be afraid of the clown's reaction.

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It's not Orman's fault that he hears calliope music every time the Roberts campaign stops by.

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Bob Dole is a communist now. A communist clown, maybe - but still a communist.

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A neighbor had one when I was growing up. Always admired its unashamed ugliness and functionality. Signora_49, who grew up in Italy, fell in love with them when she lived in New York, where she moved several times between apartments by loading all the family possessions into Checker cabs.

And today I drive a Prius. If I could find a good Citröen DS-21, another for spare parts, and credible mechanic familiar with high-pressure hydraulic system repair, I'd have one of those too.

Oh, I'd also need a gas station with a working lift.

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Bob Dole retired 18 years ago. Bob Dole isn't part of the clown car. No clown car for Bob Dole. Bob Dole.

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At least he didn't imply Dole was a <i>liberal.</i>

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BTW, if you like old cars, this<a href="http:\/\/ateupwithmotor.com\/" target="_blank"> site</a> has some really neat histories of various brands and models, including Citröen.

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