So what we’re saying here is the Justice Department can go after politicians if they want to. Hmmm.

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I'll give him credit for at least not being Joe Manchin, ...actively trying to screw Democrats

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Ta, Gary. This is really Too Jersey.

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Screw this loser and the store bought wife he rode in on.....

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Hey, if you can't make you own, store bought is fine. Wait, this is NJ, not AL.

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"Lots of people would have looked at the close call that almost derailed their re-election campaign that year and learned a lesson."

The lesson he learned is "Even an idiot like me can get away with this shit!"

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Lock them up.

That's difference between us and the Rs. We don't hold GoFundMes and try to defund the justice department when one of our guys is a criminal.

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It looks like cash was hidden in a jacket WITH HIS NAME ON IT

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Rather surprised to see the fellow's a Dem. I thought this had GOP written Al over it. Maybe he and PAB can be jail besties.

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I just saw a picture, at WAPO.com, of Bob and Nadine Menendez. I have thoughts. Mostly, "what the hell happened to Bob?", and "Oh, I see."

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Menendez with the fat stacks of cash around the house, reminded me of William Jefferson - remember him from Louisiana?

I LMAO at the sinecure job, complaining about the money not arriving and then making the criming deeper.

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Yeah, I think he's guilty. Of some shit anyway. A first generation Mexican-American CAN serve with honor and integrity, but that person is not Bob Menendez. Unless I'm wrong.

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I believe he’s Cuban American? I also believe that I’m too lazy to confirm that.

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One of the saddest things about this alleged activity is that -- if it proves true -- it amounts to spitting on a great honor (being elected to the U.S. Senate), and on the people who bestowed that honor, for an incredibly petty set of perks. The amount of cash mentioned isn't that much money, and the gifts mentioned aren't particularly impressive, given how much profit we may presume to be at stake for the alleged "payees." The governor of New Jersey is a Democrat, so if the senator ends up resigning, it shouldn't affect present control of the Senate. But in the longer term, it could damage the Democrats in New Jersey.

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Just follow the money.....look at his committee assignments. ALL finance related......deciding who gets which slice of the pie....

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Hey! I'm from South Orange - there's no mob here. The upscale mob long ago moved to Livingston and West Orange. But the rank-and-file mob still live in Union, where it's a hop, skip, and a jump to the 'Bing aka Satin Dolls.

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Maybe he should switch party lines to take full advantage of all grifting opportunities from the rubes…

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That is a terrible thought and I hope he does not think it.

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When will the bad Senator start a fund raising $10,000 a plate campaign and screech about how this is a witch hunt? Or am I confusing this dirty scumbag for another equally dirty scumbag with 91 indictments.


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