I may remember that. I've listened to all the Dimension X and X Minus One shows I was able to get my hands on.

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I picked the wrong time to be finishing PhD coursework. I can't read any of these books. I can barely keep up with my program books. Someday when I have time I will read these all and think "we lived this". I hope we survive this so I ca read them all.

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he probably saw some 40K or Halo cutscenes on some brass politicos laptop and thought it was real.

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And more of a conscience.

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We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before.

They have now, fuckwit. That's assuming, of course, that there's actually some new weapons system under development and that the DOD/DOE wasn't just shitting Trump to keep him happy or something. Which is also a possibility, imho.

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Google tells me that Jared compares Trump to the cheshire cat. And talks about how he limits information to Trump to get the decision he wants. D: https://www.refinery29.com/...

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This is pure poetry. And completely on point.

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Well, with all due respect, I think General Mattis is a fucking pussy. Even though he had grave concerns about Trump, he did precisely bupkis to stop Trump in any way (praying don't count). He wouldn't even criticise Trump for many months after leaving his post, and even his book wasn't all that damning of Trump. He did finally pen an op-ed highly critical of Trump, but that is literally the least he could do.

He is just another Trump enabler, who did and does at least see Trump for the dangerous monster that he is (unlike bootlickers like Navarro, Kushner, and too many others to name who genuinely love Trump), but did exactly nothing of substance (or just nothing literally) to stop him.

Actually, I'm not sure who are worse: the people who think Trump is great and willingly do his bidding or the people who are terrified at his incompetence, corruption and malevolency but can, at best, only muster the "courage" to give the Maggie Haberman's of the world an anonymous scoop.

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Yep. He is owned by Putin IMHO. And saying it out loud has proven to be problematic.

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I think it must trouble him to have become a public person yet nobody admires him. He is so arrogant-- according to Mary Trump's book-- he ignores roomsfull of people he knows perfectly well-- he walks right past them as if they were'nt there. So if he can say he's like the Cheshire Cat maybe he can feel he's actually a mysterious enigma to all.

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Dude, I have houseplants that would be the better choice most ways. The only thing Trump has on the Marigolds is opposable thumbs and I'm a long way from thinking that matters

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funny, Obama didn't have this problem. He didn't fire anyone and when people resigned, he didn't say they were terrible. They didn't denounce him and didn't write tell all books. Gosh, why is that?

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner! I'd say that was a big part of what was going on.

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More like a mysterious enema to all.

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"Collective action" in that context is pretty open-ended: could be anything from mass resignations to mutiny to a military coup. All of that is last-resort shit with a billion tons of fallout.

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Just thinks he's marvelous, for sure.

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