Not true; despite everything, Woodtard was right <i>once</i>. Although now, I assume Bernstein did all the work.

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NO fucking way am I clicking any linkies this early in the day.

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Is THIS the real reason dogs chase cats?

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Plus, "<a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Ek9jEgsLoBQ" target="_blank">Amnesia</a>" LIBEL!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/04\/07\/opinion\/sunday\/douthat-the-secrets-of-princeton.html" target="_blank">Good column </a>, but I never got the clear message that he has a problem with the system.

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Tell it to that money-whore Mary Schapiro, who left the SEC to go work for a bank consulting <a href="http:\/\/finance.fortune.cnn.com\/2013\/04\/02\/mary-schapiro-promontory\/" target="_blank">firm</a> . She says it's not revolving door because she won't go back to government. I guess she thinks revolving doors swing in two directions.

Here's a nice quote:

<blockquote>Promontory came under criticism late last year for leading a review of foreclosure practices at a number of the big banks. The reviews were supposed to be independent. But reports revealed that Promontory and others allowed the banks to control the process more than they should have. Ultimately, regulators determined the reviews were flawed and shut them down earlier than expected, but not before Promontory and other consultants collected $2 billion in fees.</blockquote>

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As long as there are gullible people who think they'll look younger after a cheap facelift.

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"Very well. If that is the way the winds are blowing, let no one say I don't also blow." - "Diamond" Bob Woodward

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Speaking of dogs doing strange things- slightly OT but <a href="http:\/\/laughingsquid.com\/dogs-wearing-pantyhose-a-popular-new-meme-in-china\/" target="_blank">too weird</a> not to post...

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Bob is not adapting well to irrelevance, is he?

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When all else fails, go for the old saw about how Al Gore is a fat, stuffy, phony. Guaranteed to keep you riding the DC Cocktail Circuit until they drop your mouldering corpse in the ground.

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Strange and mysterious are the ways of the turd.

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Hold on, someone will be buy with the Memory Realigner* to "adjust" your recollection.

*It's just a frying pan with some blinking lights on it. But that doesn't really sell well.

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Darwin also, too.

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I haven't seen where he actually answered Gore's question....

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Not even lying, I'm 100% positive my ex has that, she got a cat (while living in China) and her personality changed totally... It was really bizarre, I asked her to go to the doctor about it but she refused... and now she's my ex :P

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