I wouldn't put it past Jindal to appoint <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Psychic_surgery" target="_blank">psychic surgeons</a>

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this has been really burning us up recently (mr fuflans and i). they're such petulant little brats (and we were talking about this before the first great wingnut meltdown of 2012), always suing the feds, refusing regulations, trying to stop things that other states want, etc.

so we think the net contributor states should do likewise - and refuse to be net contributors. until - i don't know - we all get free opera tickets or household volcanic monitoring or something.

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If Grayson is Robin, does that mean Batman is 2006's Time Magazine Person of the Year?

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Not enough Lycra in the word, Grumpe.

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When medical care is outlawed, <a href="http:\/\/westorlandonews.com\/2009\/06\/24\/pregnant-women-commit-crimes-for-medical-care-in-jail\/" target="_blank">only outlaws will get medical care.</a>

Lousiana voters must be thrilled to see that Jindal is getting ahead of the curve on the future of American health care.

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At about 500lbs.

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The Exchange concept is really the absolute embodiment of capitalism. Give the people choice and information about their choices, and let the magic hand do the rest.

This petulant refusal to do things that are not just consistent with, but almost demanded by, the core principles goobers <em>claim</em> to believe in just goes to prove that they're unprincipled liars motivated far more by blind hatred of Democrats than any rational, or even irrational, conception of what's good for the country.

It's quite disturbing that these assholes get even a single vote in any election.

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These two are probably the wimpiest looking governors in the 50 states and the thought of them in tights makes me a little nauseous. How is Chris Christie weighing in on this subject?

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... to the Koch brothers' Batmans

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Enough of Alan West, already. Wait ... what?

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Nothing fun lovin' about those criminals.

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Depends whether you're thinking of Adam Smithy "I think this is the best system for all" capitalism or Ayn Randy "I hate people so fuck everyone" anarchocapitalism.

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We put a black male in the White House, doh!

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