PiBobby Jindal, (elected) Governor and (native-born) citizen Asian anchor babby. FIFY

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benazir bhutto. sigh.

i met her once.

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The southeastern region is exceptionally vulnerable to sea level rise, extreme heat events and decreased water availability,” said Kirsten Dow, a geography professor at the University of South Carolina

god is endorsing natural selection.

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Please do not invoke the divisive subject of facts I refuse to acknowledge

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FEMA performs quite effectively during Democratic administrations and it sucks ass during Republican ones. Three guesses as to why that is, and the first two don't count. (HINT: One party supports FEMA's mission, and one party doesn't.)

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I think his penis is the biggest joke ever. His strangling hands, however, are scary.

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It depends upon which portrait you consult.

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And after reading lil Bobby's crayon scribble, B. Barry Bamz laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

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Speaking of climate change (which doesn't exist):http://www.rawstory.com/201...

Also, too, Jindal is an insufferable twerp, and I wish Bamz would give him an atomic wedgie while he's in NOLA. As the French say, il pète plus haut que son cul.

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Ha! One of my favorite French idiomatic expressions. Literally, "He farts higher than his asshole." Meaning, more or less, that he writes checks that his mouth can't cash. Mind you, I don't maintain that Jindal can fart higher than his ankles, let alone his asshole.

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Bobby would prefer to steer that conversation away since, once again, The Donald has grabbed the microphone when it comes to the Jooz and their Physicals and whatnot.

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Good question. He must have some idiot rich guy paying the bills unless he is stiffing his workers like Perry. Anybody know?

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I actually lean toward Obama acceding to Jindal's request. However, only if his entire speech is constructed thusly:

"Before Katrina (something good about NOLA). Today, (something destroyed by Katrina and still not fixed.) But, 'Heck of a job, Brownie!'

And I also want to say

Before Katrina (something good about NOLA). Today, (something destroyed by Katrina and still not fixed.) But, 'Heck of a job, Brownie!'"

Repeat repeat repeat until Bobby yells uncle and asks Mr. POTUS to comment on the role climate change, as opposed to our nation's leadership, played in the disaster.

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White, or beige.

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I like it! He should also repeatedly mention Bobby's nay vote on HR1591, which would have provided another $3 billion for relief efforts. I watched 'When the Levees Broke' again the other day and highly recommend it, although it is heartbreaking and infuriating.

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Nah mang, Bobby will tell you it's Intelligent Design

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