Interesting side note: many of the "Indian-derived" place names in the old Wisconsin Territory, including several county names in the state of Michigan, are actually fake or "pseudo" Indian names that were invented out of whole cloth by Henry Schoolcraft, an early geographer and Indian agent for the region.

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So boringly predictable.

“I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” Bardwell told the Associated Press… “I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

You'd think that these jackholes would find some new, original explanation. OK, I'll grant the racist asshole some style points for "they use my bathroom", which I've never seen before. Not even The Donald went there.

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Well, this is the guy who's skin is roughly the same shade as Obama's, and who announced his candidacy for president with the words "tanned and rested," so don't expect him to grasp anything involving nuance. Or facts. As a self-hating man of color, he makes Dinesh d'Souza look like Malcolm X.

Well, Malcolm Y, maybe.

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Apparently he is loathed with equal vigor by both left and right in Louisiana. Which may be why he's thinking of looking for another job.

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"They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. They have to use the side door, but they do come in to my home"

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Try the veal.

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They are resolutely determined to win the primary, and lose the general. Jeb! Bush came out (after foot-dragging and waiting for the poll numbers for 2 weeks) bravely saying that the Confu flag is racist. He and Christie are determined to lose the primaries and have a shot at the general.

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I haven't heard Rand Paul opine on the Obergefell decision or the states' resistance. Does he have no views? Or does the media simply not give a shit about Rand Paul?

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For that, one would look to the words of Jesus at the Last Supper when he said, "Take this and drink of it, for it is my blood and take this bread and eat of it for it is my body - but, hey! Hey! Not the busboys! Stop that! We setup a little Jesus for you in the kitchen. You can eat and drink there."

So separate but equal, I guess.

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" they use my bathroom" is now on the official Wonkette list of euphemisms.... like AOT, K

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OT, but speaking of SCOTUS, Notorious RBG just wrote possibly the most important decision of the decade - not excluding Obergefell and the Obamacare decision. Seriously: the Arizona redistricting decision means that there is finally a way to roll back the 2010 jerrymander. It will take hard work, but it's a Yooge win for constitutional government and legitimate representation.

Since the decision relies heavily on originalist interpretation of the Constitution, it is especially funny to watch the 4 GOPs on the bench argue against it. At this point, they're not even pretending to support a conservative world view: they're openly trying to protect a Republican party majority in the states. Good fucking luck to them, the bastards.

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You want a public sector job, then you better be ready to uphold the laws of the land. If not, you can always go somewhere else.

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Or Mr. Tibbs?

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"They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom."OK, I've heard of waiting for sex until after marriage, but waiting to use the bathroom until then??

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That face is under every hood in Murkia.

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