There is this wilted lettuce salad, though. It involves frying a pound of bacon, adding it to lettuce or spinach, and using the grease to make a hot dressing. You eat it and feel your arteries hardening. More of a Mississippi thing though.

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"...our abortion rate is higher than almost every First World country..." Almost every First World country has a lower infant mortality rate AND universal health care. I bet Jindal isn't that interested in that fact though.

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"Like greed, envy, and other sins, [racism] has been around for thousands of years"

Remember, in the Old Testament, when God told the Jews to treat the other tribes as equals?

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So Bobby Jihadal dont like the Murica he lives in!!!That some putry bold talk right there,wonder how long afore ole Rush gos and blows a gasket on this heer kinda speakin.Specially with him bein tanner than ur averige publican.No I'm not the kinda a feller what judges other fellers but I gots to wonderin with a handle like Jihadal why he is speakin bout Jeebus religion aint that one of them Muslin names like Burrock Whosain Obummer shouldnt Bobby be speakin bout that feller what named Moehammer religion.Course I woodin want to go confusin folks speccially folks from Loseeannee seein as how they cant get there idees right on that big wind storm thingy that went on down that way a few years back but seems as if Ole Bobby be hidin a few things.Are we sure he was birthed in Murica

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"Tossing" jokes aside, I don't get the salad bowl metaphor.

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Jindal sure is uppity for a white guy.

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Ha, I got autodeleted for quoting "He hasn’t had a problem getting elected." from the article and marveling at GOP also-rans' concept of what constitutes a problem...

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Like so many fine Christians, Jindal has overwhelming compassion and tolerance - for other Christians.

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Dear Bobby,

As a Christian, you must know that you need protection from people like you.

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<i>"...our abortion rate is higher than almost every First World country..."</i>

Thanks a lot abstinence education! Thanks a lot Planned Parenthood defunding! Thanks a lot Constitutional right to reproductive freedom!

He doesn't mention murders and guns. I guess, as a Christian, he's OK that our death rate by firearm is higher than almost every first, second and third world country.

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Louisiana's obesity rate is nearing 35%. Salads won't get you those kinds of numbers.

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Well, at least he didn't argle-bargle about there being only one race, unhyphenated-American.

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