<i>Right Wing Watch points out that Mr. Stringer likes to call himself an &ldquo;apostle&rdquo; and once explained that God did 9/11 because America stopped believing in Him.</i>
Well, I know that watching some of Dog&#039;s believers ruthlessly murder 3000 people sure boosted <i>my</i> faith.
So God smashes your house down with a massive windstorm, then he says &quot;GAY PEOPLE BUTTFUCKIN&#039; DID THAT!&quot; But he doesn&#039;t tell you, he whispers it into Bobby Jindal&#039;s ears.
Gosh, it <i>almost</i> seems like unscrupulous people could capitalize on any sort of tragedy to scapegoat certain political groups or policy goals!
Of course they do it in God&#039;s name, because who is going to call them on it? Other &quot;believers?&quot; The same people who need affirmation of their beliefs so badly, that they see Jesus&#039; face in pieces of toast.
What about those pieces of toast with Jesus face in it?! The word GOD in eggplant seeds?! His face in a chunk of firewood?!
So he does parlor tricks here and there. Doesn&#039;t mean He can&#039;t kick down some random yahoo&#039;s houses because of some people touching peeners together in some other places and east, west, south, and north somewhat!
I&#039;m starting a new evangelical movement: God sends disasters because you don&#039;t love gay people enough. Every time something terrible happens, I&#039;ll be there, wringing my hands, holding out the collection bucket, urging my fellow sinners to be more loving, tolerant, and- er- <i>open</i> to their homosexxican brethren and sistren.
Laws of melanin relativity and conservation: You can&#039;t get whiter without everyone else getting a tiny bit darker. The middle photo is for the voters, by the way. For the white ones, at any rate . . . it would be truly hy-larious to see if he sends different pics to different districts in the state!
This makes me so happy, I want to force God to kill some kittens.
â«â«<i>It&#039;s <strike>raining</strike> blowing men!!</i>
I double-dog-dare them to fight back.
<i>Right Wing Watch points out that Mr. Stringer likes to call himself an &ldquo;apostle&rdquo; and once explained that God did 9/11 because America stopped believing in Him.</i>
Well, I know that watching some of Dog&#039;s believers ruthlessly murder 3000 people sure boosted <i>my</i> faith.
<i>why, just today we re-used a little joke from February</i>
Welcome to Obama&#039;s Amerika, tvarisch!
The one who did the lobby of the building I work in is definitely a sinner against good taste.
So God smashes your house down with a massive windstorm, then he says &quot;GAY PEOPLE BUTTFUCKIN&#039; DID THAT!&quot; But he doesn&#039;t tell you, he whispers it into Bobby Jindal&#039;s ears.
Gosh, it <i>almost</i> seems like unscrupulous people could capitalize on any sort of tragedy to scapegoat certain political groups or policy goals!
Of course they do it in God&#039;s name, because who is going to call them on it? Other &quot;believers?&quot; The same people who need affirmation of their beliefs so badly, that they see Jesus&#039; face in pieces of toast.
What about those pieces of toast with Jesus face in it?! The word GOD in eggplant seeds?! His face in a chunk of firewood?!
So he does parlor tricks here and there. Doesn&#039;t mean He can&#039;t kick down some random yahoo&#039;s houses because of some people touching peeners together in some other places and east, west, south, and north somewhat!
Take a dick to the face, fuck up some place
In his Prayapalooza announcement video, he looks way more melaninated than in most of those photos.
I really hope they&#039;re one the the acts playing tonight at the rock and roll jumble sale I&#039;m going to.
His own are bad enough. Think he could fly if he wiggled &#039;em real hard?
I&#039;m starting a new evangelical movement: God sends disasters because you don&#039;t love gay people enough. Every time something terrible happens, I&#039;ll be there, wringing my hands, holding out the collection bucket, urging my fellow sinners to be more loving, tolerant, and- er- <i>open</i> to their homosexxican brethren and sistren.
That would explain Boca Raton.
That is an astute observation.
Laws of melanin relativity and conservation: You can&#039;t get whiter without everyone else getting a tiny bit darker. The middle photo is for the voters, by the way. For the white ones, at any rate . . . it would be truly hy-larious to see if he sends different pics to different districts in the state!