Look, if you ladies didn't want Republicans trying to control your vaginas, you should have been born with penises. It's really that simple. :P

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It sounds like something a foreigner would do.

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Where they will discover irrefutable proof of the existence of a black hole. Or in Jindal's case, a wannabe white hole.

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Shame on you for suggesting such a thing p-stock. Why you are just the sort of person who would use an anonymous internet tool to text such messages. I hope you feel appropriately about yourself for that.

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That's what at least 10 of the repubican "candidates" are actually running for. This whole primary is an audition.

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It is time, no it is past time, for women in Louisiana to stand up, stand out, and tell the Governor to stand down, sit down, and to shut up.

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Flash: not to be outdone by Bobby Jindal's masterful maneuver in cutting Planned Parenthood off of state contracts, presidential hopeful Ted Cruz introduced his 'Texas Work Ethic Initiative', appearing at a Houston homeless shelter knocking the standees in the breakfast line 'upside the head' with a 2x4' in his right hand, intoning,'Those who do not work, do not eat!!' From a Bible in his left...

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Rare? Did you catch the vote in the Senate on defunding Planned Parenthood? They're unanimous in their desire to make things worse.

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Yea well they really need to work on their fluffing if that is the plan. Rupert Murdoch & Roger Aisles require fresh meat regularly.

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He can just prop up his portrait behind the lectern at the debates and answer questions from offstage. Oh wait...he's not gonna make it that far...

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He doesn't have the legs for it.

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So, what exactly is conflicting with biblical values...the English or the Math?

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Hey, poor ladies of Loo-siana. How's life? A challenge? Kinda hard, but you're getting by? Well, don't worry, Gov Jindal will fix that! By making every day a struggle for basic dignity and life itself!

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All the movies I've seen set in Louisiana would have you thinking that if you got lost in the wilderness there, the citizens would eat you.

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Yes, it's early, but I feel enough is in the book so far to reasonably declare Jindal the weasliest weasel in the entire boogle of GOP weasels. What a little asshole. Seeing him unemployed and trying to secure a niche in the conservative talky-talky industry, where the only harm he can do is to the minds of other conservatives, will be even more satisfying than watching Cruz look longingly at Trump (trəmp) on the dais as he wonders what could have been on Thursday night. But I want to talk about the terminology being used in the present debate. Case in point:

"...like taking bold action against Planned Parenthood to punish them for running a used fetus-parts brokerage?"

From a consumer protection angle, is it proper to call them "used" parts? Seems they can be marketed as new, being the fetus has not used them on its own. If I buy a truck that has 30 miles on it, the dealer is not cutting me a break on the vehicle due to wear, so why shouldn't I, as a beginning fetal parts dealer, be able to brand the parts "new" without any pushback from the Comsumer Protection Agency? I just want to see us move this conversation away from erroneous terminology and back to the best manner in which to reap, literally?, maximum profits from the sale of baby parts.

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