Thank you.

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so i guess he did need those lawyers offering advice after all.

was it barb that said 'simpler than a hinge'?

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I don't know the details, but usually food, medicine, housing and U.S. flags are exempt from sales tax. Special interest groups will carve out more exemptions, raising the rate on what's remaining. Once it hits around 10% people actively seek to avoid sales tax. That's good news for amazon.com. So good luck with that LA.

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This is good news ... for retailers just across the state line.

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Loved that show. And yet 3's Company ran for HOW long?

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Cayman Island bankers are all in favor; everybody else, not so much.

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Property taxes are a bit harsh, but at least there's a progressive aspect to them.

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No complaining, LA, if a coporation rapes you: You were asking for it.

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You gotta stop him from hanging out with Ron Rico.

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Of coursethere's voodoo in it; Marie Laveau is his principal advisor.

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Dear Bobby,

Don't forget to add "Let them eat cake" to the legislation. Then it'll be perfect.

Your Lords and Masters, David & Charles Koch et al

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I guess getting rid of the Stelly Tax (which provided for a great deal of university funding here) did not create enough of a crisis. He was able to literally gut the state universities that way though, so - SUCCESS. (I think LSU offers one or two foreign language degrees, used to be over 20).

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Here's an idea for consideration in Louisiana: instead of a sales tax or an income tax or even a value-added tax, how about a nice <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Wealth_tax" target="_blank">wealth tax</a>? It impacts everybody and everything on an equal basis.

Might be a good idea for US America too. From the linked Wiki:

<blockquote>According to the "beneficiary pay" criterion of tax fairness, a tax on property rights can be seen as a use fee. Specifically, protection of property rights is a primary purpose of government. Holders of property rights enjoy the existence of government more than do those who hold no property rights. This is also true of ownership interests or stock and bonds.</blockquote>

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Tobasco sauce will be the new oil. Sure, a Bloody Mary will cost $15, but the potholes will finally get filled.

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The other anchor babies fix things by fixing them. I like them better.

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