I got in a heated discussion the other day when my reply to "too soon" was, "OK let's talk about the last one, or the one before that"

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I've seen that BS on my facederp feed- nevermind that the next thing he said was that he was happy that Bamz would finally burn the country down so that the real muricans could take over- that one out of context quote is all these morons need to wash their hands of this

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If I hear one more a$$hole politician say "our thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family" after one of these events, I am going to start screaming. DO something about it, or just say the truth "f#ck the victims and their families".

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Of course Jindal and all the rest had no problem talking about radical Islam five minutes after the bodies in Chattanooga hit the floor.

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Pliny the Younger?

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Yeah, isn't the "too soon" thing great? Given how many mass shootings we have in this insane asylum of a country, it's always going to be "too soon" after someone gets shot somewhere, because someone is always getting shot somewhere.

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Alfalfa is useful. It feeds cattle.

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Pray. He's going to pray for them. Isn't that nice of him?

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Yeah, I deleted it when I noticed jviscont1 had already posted the same thing and replied to him instead

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"I can't believe that grandma died because our doorbell button electrocuted her. We should probably call an electrician."

"How dare you think of such a thing while we are mourning grandma?! We will address the problem of the fatal doorbell after all of these people come to our house for her wake."

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It's fair and balanced!

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Jindal is worried that some poor lonely gun somewhere is being violently left to rust without any bullets.

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They should, though. Crazy is hard to control. Case in point: Ted Cruz.

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I have always depended on the kindness of good strangers with guns.

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Dude does the worst job of saying nothing of any of the Reb candidates.

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Bless his heart.

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