I've never pitied his kids before, but their concept of "honesty" must be profoundly warped.

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True that...and in the back of my mind there echoes the words, "There is only so much shit we will eat". Someday...hopefully soon.

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There's the edge of insanity and then there's the abyss.

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And a bullet-proof sneeze shield.

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The GNoPee are experts when it comes to fake anything.

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But but but don't you see:

taxing billionaires = gimmick; assuming everyone understands oil price manipulation happens = gimmick keeping college from being obscenely unaffordable* = gimmick

stealing from kids to pay off oil barons = good policy

* because God knows it's damned close to obscenely unaffordable already.

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shorter boehner: the president is a blah.

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This reminds me of when the Repubicans were all worked up about a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. What a gimmick! If they have the votes for that, they certainly have the votes to simply pass a balanced budget.

Or when they said Ann Romney is the hardest working woman in the world. What a gimmick!

How about the bill to defund teleprompters?

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