In show business they say "one more time," but they only say it once, because one.

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Dr. Ben Ghazi-- he's running for president, right? I can't keep them straight.

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Whereas skating coaches say one more time when they really mean "as many times as I say one more time" proving that all skating coaches are Republicans (this is true).

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They could try using Google...

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Isn't this just an opportunity for incoming Republicans to get a check mark on their Conservative Credential Cards? Sort of like Repeal Obamacare votes. Something to show the folks back home but of no other consequence. There will be another Benghazi investigation in two years when the next congress convenes.

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I don't think any of my old posts came over, but I thought they were merged by email address, not "userid"

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so we can't actually find any of our comments attached to our name? well, if we had been allowed to comment

this is like magical realism. or gogol.

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Meow! :-)

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Hell, I was so drunk the night I finally met 'Trix I tried to hit on her with the old "I'm too much of a gentleman to hit on you" line, and even that night I could have told you what seven investigations into Benghazi found.

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Damn tintinnitis. They think we keep yelling "more".

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Stop me if you've heard this one....

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"There are a lot of unanswered questions…”

After seven previous gaggles of questioners? What he's really saying is that Benghazi committees exist to give his crazier members something to do so they won't have time for meetings with Ted Cruz.

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For the record, someone nerdier than I ran the numbers, and determined that - memes aside - ST:TOS redshirts did *not* die at a statistically significantly increased rate than blueshirts or goldshirts.

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If you cant believe John Boehner and Fox News who the fuck can you believe?

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They're trying to teach the members to read, so they can go over the previous seven investigations' reports. It's been slow going.

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