Also, Barnabas Collins.

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Mass on English instead of Latin, for my dad. For my mom, it was "guitars in church" (folk mass was an abomination, you see, so by extension, all guitars were bad).

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They are trying, I know it's not the full deal, but it is a start. In institutions like the catholic church it takes a long time to make changes

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Leonard Leo must be having a conniption fit. He's about to get his Supreme Court, and now the evil Pope is spoiling all of his hard work.

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They've had a long time.

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I like it.

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SO MUCH BETTER than Mommy Theresa.

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What are your prisons like? New Hampshire's are evil and disgusting.

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People can vote with their feet and LEAVE the RCC.

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Cradle Catholic here and I remember the furor when women were allowed to lector and altar girls were permitted. I.m sure there are right-wing Catholics today who are still outraged by that. It's about dang time that the Church recruited women to be deaconesses, too. St. Paul mentioned Phoebe the Deaconess in Romans 16: v. 1-2.

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Would that be the most recent movie version of Barnabas Collins, which I have not seen? I was a big fan of the original soap opera when I was in junior high and high school. I don't recall anything about the Vatican in that, and I also watched the reruns on what was then called the SciFi Channel.

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It would not surprise me if Pope Francis is advocating for civil unions still because that would be a good way to be offed and perhaps lead to another Pope Ratzi. (Yes, I remember when Stephen Colbert called him that and I think it fits -- the very idea of criticizing nuns for caring more about the poor than advocating against abortion and the gays!!!)

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I could never be a member of the Opus Dei because I'm too suspicious to vow absolute obedience to another human being.

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Shhhh -- that's supposed to mollify the petrified brains amongst the clergy.

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Sorry to tell you this Frank, but in most of the civilized world (including Europe) couples have to get a civil ceremony to be legality married. Then, if they choose, they can get a religious ritual. Your recognizing reality is, at best, cute and so out dated.

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Can't imagine what this will do to our next Supreme Court Justice, should her husband allow her to have an independent thought.

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