No. You are correct. They have.They are also very very fringe groups.No snark, but my point was when Xtians crusaded into Jerusalem to liberate it from the heathen the Pope conveniently interpreted Thou shalt not kill, to be Thou shalt not kill Xtians. Before the proper split between Catholic and Orthodox, that was the head of Xtianity.There is no similar figure in Islam to absolve them.
Independent Governor Bill Walker of Alaska has withdrawn from the race with his name on the ballot because of the danger of a three-way split, and has given his support to the Democrats' candidate. Profile in courage.
Not trying to start an argument but....Really? What did the Republicans know how to do prior to 1999? I've been watching them for more than 40 years and govern isn't one of them. Before 1999 they used to wail constantly about "the deficit" and that huge boogeyman "inflation". Oh yeah, that's right they gave Jimmy Carter a beat down and impeached Bill Clinton. Way to go Republicans now you're shit? Right. They've always been shit. They did pretend to hate the Saudis but that was before Bush and Co. turned them into butt buddies.
"Love flies out the door when money comes innuendo"-Marx
I’ll never be able to wrap my head around this. They literally do not care.
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
no offense taken, I remember the shitshow of the Reagan nightmare. You're right, Republicans don't know how to govern this country.
No. You are correct. They have.They are also very very fringe groups.No snark, but my point was when Xtians crusaded into Jerusalem to liberate it from the heathen the Pope conveniently interpreted Thou shalt not kill, to be Thou shalt not kill Xtians. Before the proper split between Catholic and Orthodox, that was the head of Xtianity.There is no similar figure in Islam to absolve them.
hasn't ISIS and Al-Qaeda killed more muslims than "nonbelievers" or am I failing to grasp snark?
Independent Governor Bill Walker of Alaska has withdrawn from the race with his name on the ballot because of the danger of a three-way split, and has given his support to the Democrats' candidate. Profile in courage.
Bonesaw Fistfight, my death metal yodelling cover band.
To be fair, rancid donkey dicks are all that poor Heidi can afford to put on the table, what with Ted s meager $174k salary.
Giddy with relief
Eggs Ackley. Where do the Trumps get all their tacky shit made?
Tip: always bring a bone saw to a fist fight.
Hey, don't bring the Greeks onto this.
Not trying to start an argument but....Really? What did the Republicans know how to do prior to 1999? I've been watching them for more than 40 years and govern isn't one of them. Before 1999 they used to wail constantly about "the deficit" and that huge boogeyman "inflation". Oh yeah, that's right they gave Jimmy Carter a beat down and impeached Bill Clinton. Way to go Republicans now you're shit? Right. They've always been shit. They did pretend to hate the Saudis but that was before Bush and Co. turned them into butt buddies.
and my evil spawn from one of the devil's hoors who will come after me likes Beer a lot