When the banal mediocrity that is the GOP is in charge, that's basically what you end up getting.

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2nd Circuit says they will rule quickly, via Elie Mystal. We'll see if they mean it.

But what I think I want to know is if John Roberts goes with his Opus Dei one party rule friends ... THEN what are people who know we need justice going to do.

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See, those guys are covered by the Don Corleone corollary to the executive privilege: if tell you I will have to kill you.

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The only thing that surprises me about ICE and the Border Patrol is that neither agency has hired George Zimmerman yet.

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Checking for alcohol and drugs is standard procedures for rape kits in many jurisdictions. One would hope they did in this case.

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Yep, he Mickeyed her.

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Shame on them. She is also one of their own.

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Another great border agent:

17-year-old Harlon Carter shot and killed 15-year-old Ramon Casiano and was convicted of murder. The conviction was overturned on appeal, because Carter vs. Casiano, right? Carter ends up on the Border Patrol, where he spends his career making stuff disappear, like guns, ammo, etc. He works his way up in the National Rifle Association, where in 1977 he leads a putsch against the current leadership and wins. That was the point when the NRA went from a gun safety and shooting sports organization to apologists for gun violence.


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I loves me some Amanda Marcotte.

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Again, we're not signatories to the relevant treaties. You think Henry Kissinger would be free if we weren't?

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Trump will pardon this rapist in 3-2-1....fuuuuuuuuuuuu$&$k this darkest timeline.

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No, you don't. The article literally said she was too drunk to stand on her own, do you really think she was in any shape to give directions? Not that it would matter if she had - she thought that a guy who was supposedly her friend and colleague would respect her many 'no's" and not take advantage of her being intoxicated, her only error was giving him too much credit for not being a rapist pig.

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Was there an NDA? And an NDA not to disclose the existence of an NDA? And an NDA specifically forbidding the use of the words "lime green dildo fresh out of the box?"

Related questions: Is the Pope Catholic. Does a bear shit in the woods?

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I would advise the former claimant not to blow all the money in one place. In other words, don't go on a splooge.

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No--ambassador to the EU, but available to help out in Ukraine.

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